토론:앎에 관한 비유

The New Message from God Korean Wiki
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앎의 씨앗

"The truth itself is like the universe above the clouds of your mind, forever real, forever true, forever evident. It but awaits your recognition. Such is the great truth that lives within you as a potential, as a seed. Let us call this the seed of Knowledge." [1]

깊은 흐름

"The power and the presence of Knowledge flows like a deep current within you, but can you feel it and know it?

It is like the water under the ground. The ground is arid desert. But there is fresh water flowing out of sight, out of mind, and yet it enables people to live in the most arid areas."[2]


  1. Living The Way of Knowledge, Introduction
  2. The Bridge to a New Life: The Deeper Current of Your Life