
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
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"True renunciation is not giving up worldly things. It is giving up ideas. They are the bars on your prison." [1]

감옥으로서의 몸

"If you think that your vehicle is your self, you will hate the vehicle because it will seem to trap you and you will feel imprisoned, bound and limited by it." [2]

개성에 갇힘

"You are taking a great journey from being imprisoned in your individuality to using it to express a Greater Reality."[3]

감옥문 밖으로

"You cannot stay in the room of unforgiveness and make it better, but you can leave the room."[4]

"People ask,'How can I rid myself of these terrible judgments? I see I have these judgments. They are binding me, imprisoning me, weighing upon me. They torment me. How can I get rid of them?' Well, you cannot get rid of them where you are, but you can do something else in life where they are not necessary, and then they begin to evaporate. God has a Plan and how the Plan works is that it gives you something meaningful to do in life."[4]

"Because you were meant to serve the world, the world calls it out of you. But you must be in a position to respond. If your life is completely caught up in what you have created for yourself, you are bound by circumstances and obligations and expectations and relationships. If your life is in disarray. If the Four Pillars of your life have never been built or established, you cannot respond to a greater calling. You do not have the power to do it. You do not have the freedom to do it. You do not have the self-trust to do it. You may feel it and it may shake you to the soul, but you are imprisoned in a life that you have allowed to be built up around you or that you have actively established yourself."[5]


  1. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 2, Chapter 13: Religion as Mystery
  2. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 31: Healing
  3. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 2, Chapter 33: Perseverance
  4. 4.0 4.1 Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 23: Forgiveness
  5. New Message on Fulfillment (August 24, 2007)

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