
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
Ilhun Chung (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 5월 25일 (수) 05:00 판 (문서 생성)
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"When you practice in meditation, you come to give yourself to it, and there is a response because your Teachers come to give themselves and that is the touch. That is where you touch each other. I give to you, you give to me and we share our mutual giving." [1]

명상하는 방법

"To prepare for stillness, you must practice a certain kind of meditation, you must have a teacher, you must have a method and you must have a community. These are what are necessary." [2]

명상에 대한 오해

"If you close your eyes in meditation and you say, 'I want to have contact with the Teachers. I want to have this question answered. I want to have certainty about this issue. I want to have a high experience.... I want, I want, I want,' then of course you don't find anything. So, there is disappointment immediately and then you say, 'Well, maybe if I give up all wants, I will get what I want,' and so it goes on and on.... People often think in meditation that there are all of these realms and levels and all that sort of thing, but you know there is only relationship there. Whatever experience you have, it is because you are joining your mind with another mind in some way. Realms and all that do not matter. Relationship matters; intimacy matters. This is what generates Knowledge." [1]

명상에 관한 인용문

"To prepare for stillness, you must practice a certain kind of meditation, you must have a teacher, you must have a method and you must have a community. These are what are necessary." [2]

"In learning how to still the mind, you must have a focus, you must be in a quiet place, you must be sitting comfortably, and you must have a passive attitude. Four things are required here. Your passive attitude means you are not aggressively trying to make something happen, or to solve problems or to engage in other kinds of mental activities. You are just there in a relaxed manner. So to sit in meditation and experience nothing but agitation or frustration, clearly means you are not meeting the requirements of the situation. You have to be relaxed; you cannot be aggressive. You breathe deeply. Let your breath take you deeper. You have to have a focus for the mind: an image, a thought, an incantation, something that does not stimulate a lot of intellectual activity, something that the mind can anchor itself upon so you can slip beneath its surface into a well of silence. Within this well of silence, deep within it, is the power and the presence of Knowledge."[3]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 15: Giving I
  2. 2.0 2.1 Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 35: Achieving Peace
  3. Deepening Your Spiritual Practice (November 1, 2008)