
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
Ilhun Chung (토론 | 기여)님의 2023년 12월 31일 (일) 14:26 판 (영역 제목 수정)
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존재의 기적

"The inability to marvel at your own life and circumstances represents a cruel effect of not being connected to the deeper current of your life, of not experiencing the miracle that you are not only alive but that you are here for a greater purpose, that you have a life beyond this world, a life from which you have come and to which you will return and that you have not come into this world empty handed, but were indeed sent here for a purpose that you have yet to discover." [1]

"Go into your bathroom and look at your medications and see what a miracle it is that they can exist, for many people in the world do not have access to these things. Look out upon your street. It is a miracle you even have a street or streetlights or a sidewalk and all the services that your city provides for you. How would you be if you did not have these things? Do not assume that you will always have these things, for the Great Waves of life are coming to the world and will deprive many people of many things."[1]

필요성 앞에서의 수동성

“Do not depend upon miracles, for that means you are not utilizing your own strength and power effectively.”[2]

"If you become aware of great change and do nothing, your anxiety will increase and so will your sense of powerlessness. You will be held in place, hoping that someone will take care of these problems, hoping for a miracle from God because if awareness does not lead to action, it leads to a sense of powerlessness and depression. If the people standing on the beach waiting for the great waves to come think to themselves, 'Maybe I should get to higher ground?' and they do not move, they are lost."[3]

“People are impatient. They want results today. That is why they want miracles. Miracles are like having something for nothing. They do not want to do the work. They do not want to build their inner sanctuary. They do not want to cultivate their minds. They do not want to learn the skill of silence and stillness. They do not want to take the time to develop real discernment and clarity. They just want the miracle. It is very lazy, you see, to want such things. It is like getting the reward without doing any of the work. It is like telling your farm to just grow all the food for you while you take a vacation. Or telling your shop or your industry to produce the goods without you having to work at it. So that is not the way.” [4]

기적을 위한 기도

"What difference does it make to pray to God and ask for miracles if you cannot even respond to the wisdom and the guidance that God has already placed within you? It is like asking for something small and missing something great."[4]

표징의 요구

“People want demonstrations. They want miracles because they are not having the experience. This is all the striving of the mind—the surface mind, the worldly mind—the surface mind, the worldly mind. 'Prove to me that God is real! Give me a miracle! Give me what I want! Solve my problems!'”[5]

계시의 기적

“This is God’s calling to you. This is the miracle. This will not just give you a fish for the day. It will teach you to fish forever. It will give you a new life. It will give you a new direction and a new inspiration. This is what God offers. People want other things. This is what God offers.”[4]

정말로 특별한 개입

”The emergence of Knowledge within you will be the real miracle of your life and the saving grace of your life, and ultimately it will be the means through which you can provide for the real needs of humanity—at whatever level you are destined to serve here. It will be your joy and your fulfillment that you could give in this way, a joy and fulfillment that cannot be satisfied in any other way.”[6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 The Great Practices: Joy and Gratitude
  2. The Confirmation (April 2, 2011)
  3. Preparing for the Great Waves of Change, Signs from the World
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The New Message for the Impoverished and Oppressed (April 18, 2008)
  5. God’s Power & Presence in the World (April 23, 2011)
  6. Freedom & Service in the World (November 5, 2008)

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