
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
Ilhun Chung (토론 | 기여)님의 2023년 8월 21일 (월) 03:58 판 (영역 제목 수정)
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죽음에 대한 두려움

"Knowledge will take you beyond your fears and your preferences because all preferences are based on fear—the fear of not having, the fear of being wrong, the fear of losing, the fear of death." [1]

"The source of all fear is the belief that you are temporary, that death awaits you and that everything you value and everything that is meaningful to you can be taken away at any moment." [2]

"The fear of death is a very pervasive fear" … "It is the great price of consciousness. And with the fear of death is the loss of peace and equanimity" …"This is the great price of being conscious of one’s future" … "This is the burden of the awareness of life and death. It is the price one pays for having a greater consciousness in a world of change. It is the difficulty an eternal being must face in living in a temporary reality." [3]

"Part of the suffering of being in the world is in living a physical life where death and harm are very present and possible." [4]

"You have come into the world to fulfill a purpose. It is that purpose that redeems you. It is that service that restores to you the memory and the sense of your Ancient Home. It is this purpose and this awareness that dispels and weakens the weight of the world on you. Then, if you are a success, death is looked at very differently. It is still an anxiety-provoking event, certainly. 'Oh, my God, what will happen? Oh, my God, I’m not going to be here any more. Oh, my God, what will remain? What will happen? What will be next?' But in your heart there is a sense of completion and relief. 'It is ok. I’m ready to move on. I have done what I came here to do to the best of my ability. I’m not sure what I did, but I did something and it feels right and I think I’m ready to go on to the next thing.' It’s a natural progression, you see." [3]

"The pursuit of that which endures is very different from the pursuit of that which merely stimulates or excites. As you seek for that which endures, you realize that you endure with it, and the fear of death begins to leave you. You begin to value different things." [5]

죽음 너머에서 기다리고 있는 관계

“When you leave this life, when your body passes away, it is not like you disappear and go somewhere else. You just awaken to what has always been there. There are those who sent you into the world, waiting to greet you. And there is the Presence, the magnificent Presence. You did not journey from one place to another to experience this. It was always there.”[6]

“Thus it is when you are complete in this life, you will leave, but you will not leave alone, for in your heart you will embrace the memory, the presence and the reality of all those whom you have touched and who have touched you, and there will not be any spot or residue, not even any hint of unforgiveness that will remain behind you to spoil your gift and your giving.”[7]

삶 이후의 삶

"When this life is over and you return to your Spiritual Family, they will only have one question for you, and that is whether you made your sacred rendezvous in life and gave your gifts to the world. And in that moment you will know with absolute clarity whether you did or did not. There is no punishment here, but the weight of failure is great. It means you will have to try again, and go through the whole process all over again. That should be incentive enough to encourage most people to proceed." [8]

죽음에 대한 인용문

"People seem to think that they die at some kind of perfect time, like they are finished with life, but that is not true at all. Anything can happen to you at any moment. That is why you must pay attention and be present to what you are doing."[9]

"You should know that no one is ever condemned to death in the name of religion. God has never given prescriptions for this, in any form, in any tradition. If you see this written in religious texts, it is because it has been added by people. It has been invented. It is a human invention. God never prescribes death as a punishment under any circumstances. So if it is prescribed, it is done not with God’s blessing. Whatever justification is given for capital punishment, it is given by people and not by God. That must be clearly understood, and the fact that it is not clearly understood gives rise to much confusion and much misinterpretation of what religion is and what it is for and what it is here to promote." [10]

"To claim death or physical abuse or punishment in the name of God is an abomination. It is a violation. It is a misunderstanding and misuse of religion. And there are no exceptions to this. No matter how grievous a person’s errors, no matter how different a person’s view might be, capital punishment and physical abuse are never allowed in the name of God. It is untrue fundamentally. It is inherently wrong. It is an abomination." [10]

"You have come from death to here. Death is both the beginning and an ending, but it is only a stage of your great existence and your great service to life."[9]

“Life without God is extremely complicated and terribly fearful. It is always beset by anxiety and the threat of annihilation.” [11]

"People who are not satisfied with the normal range of things ask very great questions that other people may find foolish or unnecessary, such as 'What is the meaning of my life? Is there life beyond death of the body? What is the purpose of my life, if it has a purpose at all?' These things can only be known in hindsight. At the end of your life, you’ll look back and see what has transpired.Then you will have a much more substantial view of your life’s purpose than someone who is looking into the future and trying to speculate." [12]


  1. The Great Love (November 23, 2007)
  2. Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume I, Chapter 24: Happiness in the World
  3. 3.0 3.1 Fear of Death and the Return to Life (January 21, 2008)
  4. Wisdom from the Greater Community] Volume II], Chapter 23: Becoming Wise
  5. Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume I, Chapter 21: Enduring Happiness
  6. The Presence (December 7, 2009)
  7. Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training
  8. The Great Rays of Initiation (July 24, 2012)
  9. 9.0 9.1 What Happens After Death? July 11, 2008
  10. 10.0 10.1 The Admonition {February 1, 2008)
  11. Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume I, Chapter 23: Forgiveness
  12. Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume I, Chapter 34: Religion as Education

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