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The New Message from God Korean Wiki
방석종 (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 8월 23일 (화) 06:45 판
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"We bring the questions of our lives to Knowledge so that it may guide our actions and communicate through us. The decisions we make will shape our lives."


"What you decide to do in your relationships will determine the kind of life you will have and the kind of problems you will have to solve. This is so important; it cannot be overlooked. There is so much at stake if you make a wrong decision. And it is difficult to undo something that never should have been done in the first place.Your experience will illustrate this for you."[1]

영적 성장에 있어서

Independence means
"that individuals are able to begin to think for themselves. To win this freedom, one must make some very difficult decisions, honor these decisions, trust them and abide by them. These decisions can be difficult because one might have to relinquish some degree of love or financial advantage or social acceptance to do something that is recognized to be correct. One must be willing to make these sacrifices and take these risks in order to gain a greater sense of well-being, inner certainty and correctness about life. It is making these decisions and abiding by them that establishes the ability to think with relative independence.
By relative independence, I mean that you are able to create your own thoughts rather than simply borrowing someone else’s."[2]

"Courage is something that everyone must forge and develop in his or her own experience. This happens through making difficult decisions." [3]

"Wisdom, like courage, must be cultivated by direct engagement with life, by making important decisions and abiding with them, by facing error, by facing pain, by accepting help, and by rearranging your life whenever this becomes necessary. In all cases, it requires giving greater priority to truth over your personal wishes or preferences."[3]

Self-trust "is forged by making decisions that perhaps seem incompatible with other people’s decisions, or which seem costly in terms of the advantages which you were formerly seeking for yourself. It is forged by being true to what you know without adding any assumptions or conclusions of your own."[4]

Inspiration is "born of Knowledge, realized through genuine decision making and real living, shared through meaningful relationships and passed on through contribution to those who need it everywhere."[5]

"The presence of Spirit is with you, and it is regenerated through your wise decision making and through your selfless activity."[5]

자신의 역할을 완수하기 위해

"This is a time to directly participate, and this will require a special preparation, great companions and a decision on your part to participate in the world’s emergence into the Greater Community, to participate in the unification of human society and to participate in the reclamation of your physical environment in ways that are specific to your nature and deeper inclinations. Here you are not to be only an observer but to be a participant, for you are a participant. If you want to find purpose in life and realize your greater resources and your true inner strength, you must make this decision, fortify this decision and live this decision. It is not up to someone else; it is up to you. You are the one who is reading these words.You are the one who has the power to respond."[4]

"To find your calling in life and spiritual purpose, you must learn to prepare. Here you learn to make decisions based upon what you know rather than what you think or want. Here you roll up your sleeves and become involved with life. Here you become basic, honest, simple and straightforward."[4]

"When you come to a moment of important decision, at a juncture or turning point in your life, you will always see that there are two ways to go: There is the way with Knowledge and there is the other way. The other way may show many possibilities, but there are really only two ways to go."[6]

"We are not suggesting that you throw away all of your securities, but we are saying that at the important junctures in your life where you have to make an important decision, you must risk your security to undertake something of a greater magnitude, the outcome of which you will not be able to see at the outset."[5]

앎길에 들어서다

"This is a time not to make a great many decisions. This is a time to remain open and maintain a simple life—simple employment and simple involvements. This is the time to stay out of a primary relationship if you are single. This is a time to refrain from changing a primary relationship if you are in one."[7]

"People come to the first gate in The Way of Knowledge wanting more of everything they want. And yet they are moved and feel compelled to seek for something more pervasive, something that is more difficult to define perhaps, something that they yearn for more than they want, something that they need more than they desire. So, at the first gate, you encounter the Teaching and you decide that you are going to try to get something out of it. You want to benefit from it; you want it to do something for you. And of course, you want it to satisfy these two different purposes.
Fundamentally, the difference between these two purposes is that one is the desire for greater separation and the other is the desire for union. Sorting all of this out and making decisions to support one over the other represent a great deal of the work in The Way of Knowledge."[8]
  1. 큰 공동체 지혜 2, 제6장 : 분별력
  2. 큰 공동체 지혜 2, 제16장 : 문턱
  3. 3.0 3.1 큰 공동체 지혜 2, 제19장 : 용기
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 큰 공동체 지혜 2, 제18장 : 동정심
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 큰 공동체 지혜 2, 제29장 : 영감
  6. 큰 공동체 지혜 2, 제27장 : 자기의심
  7. 큰 공동체 지혜 2, 제1장 : 야심
  8. 큰 공동체 지혜 2, 제34장 : 앎길을 걷기