
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
방석종 (토론 | 기여)님의 2023년 10월 22일 (일) 08:16 판 (문서 생성)
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"It is necessary that when people come into the world, they forget their Ancient Home." [1]


"You cannot return to Heaven unwillingly. You cannot return to your Ancient Home ambivalent or with grievances or aggravation or resentment. These things must all be worked out in time." [2]

고향에서 가져온 선물

"The world cannot provide you happiness, but you can give the world happiness because you have brought happiness with you from your Ancient Home. You must be its first recipient, however." [3]

고향으로 돌아가기

"God is not going to pull you out of this reality because you are not ready to return to your Ancient Home. You have been far too identified and experienced in separation to be able to return to your Ancient Home with one mind, with resolution, with a sense of completion in being here." [2]

"God has also placed Knowledge within you to teach you how to live in it and to give you the opportunity to re-experience your connection with your Ancient Home, even while you are here, especially while you are here. You can’t return to your Ancient Home if your mind is set in Separation. You do not simply die and go to Heaven. You have to prepare for your Ancient Home, and that provides you a greater purpose for being in this physical reality, with all of its difficulties and challenges." [4]

우리의 고향을 기억하기 위한 부름

"Only those who know that they have come from their Ancient Home can give." [5]

"God is pulling everyone Home. That is your Knowledge—pulling you Home, reeling you in, drawing you close. Once Knowledge begins to emerge, it will seek to fulfill itself, and the whole basis for unforgiveness will disappear. What the world needs is for individuals to both find and bring their Ancient Home here. That is when the world will cease to be a place of denial." [6]


"So alone, so alone, way down here so far below." [7]


  1. The New Message on Fulfillment (August 24, 2007)
  2. 2.0 2.1 The One God, Chapter 5: What is Creation?
  3. Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume I, Chapter 24: Happiness in the World
  4. Nature and Natural Disasters (September 8, 2008)
  5. Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume I, Chapter 15: Giving I
  6. Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume I, Chapter 23: Forgiveness
  7. The Angel Song, by Marshall Vian Summers