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The New Message from God Korean Wiki
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"Your Spiritual Family is not all humankind. You are not entirely human. You belong to a Greater Reality."[1]

"The Greater Reality is permanent, whereas the changing reality is temporary."[2]


"Open yourself to a Greater Reality. Become a vehicle for its expression, even in the most mundane circumstance."[3]

"Let your life be a vehicle for a Greater Reality to express itself through you, and your value to others will have no limit and will be incomparable."[4]

"You do not need to understand the Greater Reality to feel it, to enter into relationship with it, to be part of it and to reclaim the Ancient Heritage which is yours and the power which has been given to you through Knowledge. Let those who cannot be in relationship with life try to understand it. They will not. And their ideas, no matter how seemingly intellectual or perfectly ordered, will not encompass the experience of the Greater Reality of which they themselves are an intrinsic part."[5]

큰 토대

"In order to take on greater responsibilities, to accept greater rewards and to meet greater challenges, you need a Greater Reality, which is connected to Knowledge within you. People try to take on big things with a small mind, and as a result they lose sense of what their endeavor might offer them, and everything becomes small."[6]

A Greater Reality "wishes to express itself through you. You cannot control the mechanism for doing this. You cannot determine its outcome. You do not know where it is going to take you, who it will bring into your life and who it will send away. It is mysterious, yet with Mystery you will be able to participate in life with such certainty and confirmation. You will be far more certain of this Mystery than of anything you can perceive around you—your society, your economy, your physical health. All of those are so changeable, but the Mystery of which I speak is firm and established. It is in perfect peace because it is not changing. It is only expressing itself in changing conditions. It is without change, and yet it is moving things along. It is not growing. It is not becoming. That is why it is so still."[7]

"When a Greater Reality begins to emerge within you and is recognized not as some distant deity but as a living Spiritual Presence within you, then you can begin to have a real foundation. Your ability to trust this foundation will grow over time. This trust has to be earned. It has to be realized. It has to be exercised until it can become a reliable resource for you."[6]

큰 현실과 큰 공동체

"The Greater Community will change your ideas about God completely. It will change your ideas about religion completely. You will see that God is not preoccupied with humans. You will see that God is something bigger than what you have ever considered, and you will have to think as a participant in a Greater Reality. This is a great blessing."[1]

"There is spiritual advancement happening everywhere. That is why the Teachers of the Spiritual Families serve all worlds. If you ever have the gift of encountering your Teachers who have been assigned to you, you will recognize that not all of them are human. Why is this? Is it not to bring forth your Knowledge which speaks of a Greater Reality and a Greater Community and which takes you beyond your personal sphere to allow you to enter life?"[1]


"Once this happens, the person’s emergence will begin, and they will be entering a Greater Reality while they are still living in the world. It is hard to see that you are already part of something greater that is affecting you very deeply. It is not that you will become part of something. You already are. You are already part of a greater physical reality and a greater spiritual reality."[1]

"Humanity is preoccupied with itself as the adolescent child is preoccupied with himself or herself. Human beings, upon reaching adulthood, mature largely because they begin to account for a greater reality beyond themselves and to respond to the needs of others. This represents the predicament of your world now. It is emerging into a greater reality, yet it is still preoccupied with itself. There are very serious dangers here and very great opportunities."[1]

"Marriage will produce the environment that will produce the yearning for a Greater Reality and a greater union. If your Spirit is ready to emerge, then fulfillment on the personal side will not be enough. As this emergence continues to be the emphasis, you will feel increasingly restless."[8]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 3: Greater Community
  2. The Illumination (July 29, 2013)
  3. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 2, Chapter 29: Inspiration
  4. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 2, Chapter 30: Kindness
  5. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 2, Chapter 32: Pride
  6. 6.0 6.1 Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 2, Chapter 27: Self-Doubt
  7. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 17: Mastery
  8. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 5: Marriage

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