
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
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연습으로서의 일관성

"Anything you do that engages your mind with something greater that is done consistently will yield a result you could not produce for yourself." [1]

"The practice helps you on many levels. It creates balance and focus for your mind. It creates a meaningful consistency in your daily life." [2]

앎으로 가는 계단 학생

"In following Steps to Knowledge, you develop a consistency, perseverance and inner determination that are not dominated by your emotional states." [2]

"Becoming a student means that you are willing to follow and be responsible for being a follower and to orient yourself towards your preparation. This takes discipline and consistency. It is a commendable state." [3]

"To go from a fixed human viewpoint to a Greater Community perspective represents a tremendous expansion. It requires more effort, more consistency and more determination than meeting even the normal range of challenges." [4]

진실에 대한 일관성

"Truth "is a living experience in your life-perhaps fleeting, not every moment, but consistent enough that it provides consistency itself. Then you realize that truth does not fluctuate. You do." [1]

"Can you trust that deeper inclination? Can you recognize its consistency and its depth and distinguish it from all the other impulses, compulsions, needs or anxieties that you might feel? It lives within you. Deep, silent, powerful. In contrast to a world of mad pursuits, frantic activities and dangerous involvements, what greater gift could you be given than a part of God to live within you?" [5]

"That is why the importance of spirituality and spiritual practice that are translatable is so very significant. This speaks of a greater union in the universe—a union beyond separation, a union beyond the difference of environment and appearance, orientation and belief. Here you see what is powerful, what is consistent, what is uniform and what does not change with time and place, situations and circumstances." [6]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Wisdom from the Greater Community Vol 1, Chapter 34 :Religion as Education
  2. 2.0 2.1 Wisdom from the Greater Community Vol 2, Chapter 34 : Walking The Way of Knowledge
  3. Wisdom from the Greater Community Vol 1, Chapter 17 : Mastery
  4. Wisdom from the Greater Community Vol 2, Chapter 33 : Perseverance
  5. Wisdom from the Greater Community Vol 2, Chapter 27 : Self-Doubt
  6. Life in the Universe, Chapter 11 : Unseen Forces in the Universe

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