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베풂에 관한 짧은 인용문

"Greater gifts will begin to emerge from you that are natural for you to give, that you were meant to give, that were put inside of you before you came into this world—gifts the world needs, for it is not only individuals who are impoverished, it is all of humanity." [1]

"Instead of running around one day, go through everything you own and imagine what a wonderful thing it is to have these things and that you can acquire such things and that you can give them away to others who might need them." [2]


"It is important that you who come bearing gifts not only feel that you should give or that you must give but realize the extent to which you are given to."[3]

"Do not give your life away before you know what your life is for and the direction that it must follow."[4]

베푸는 과정

“God always gives to givers because they naturally amplify the gift. God also gives to takers, but they do not experience the gift. What God gives to takers is an opportunity to give. What takers need to experience is the need to give because that is what will redeem them. When they become givers naturally, then the whole process of giving and receiving can truly begin.”[5]

"The contradiction of living in this world is that it is a hiding place. People are afraid to give and afraid to receive because when you start giving and receiving, the whole idea of hiding begins to dissolve, and you realize that God has caught up with you already."[6]

베푸는 기쁨

"Knowledge will put you in the position to discover and to express your unique gifts and will give you the criteria upon which to determine who to be with in your life and how to participate with them." [7]

"Here you are not merely wanting, expecting, demanding and complaining, you are putting yourself to the task of finding and following a deeper and more profound direction in life. You are serving those things you know you must serve. Without the mere intention of enriching yourself or giving yourself prestige or dominance over others, you are serving from a pure motivation. And this gives you strength, and this gives you determination, and this gives you perseverance of a kind that personal ambition alone could never provide." [8]

신중하지 못한 내맡김

"So many people" ... "have cast their allegiance to other things, an allegiance that really belongs to Knowledge. Perhaps they are very committed and dutiful in their allegiances, but they use them to give their life focus and balance and purpose because you cannot live without purpose of some kind, for purpose is life itself."[9]

분별력 없는 베풂

"This is where people tend to feel threatened and withdraw because they want to have everything but give very little of themselves. Even their giving is to make themselves richer."[10]

"Many people expect or demand devotion from others but are incapable of giving it themselves, for they wish to bargain with their affection." [11]

“You do not give to get here. You do not give to assure yourself a future of recognition and rewards. That kind of calculated giving is the machination of your mind, of your social mind, of your mind at the surface of life, a mind that wants to survive, a mind that is insecure, a mind that seeks wealth and power and substantiation and affirmation.”[12]

선물과 목적

"Only those who know that they have come from their Ancient Home can give." [3]

"You are here for a purpose. You went to great lengths to be here. You have something to give in being here. You cannot go beyond this world because you have not given what is essential for you to give here. Your giving contains your self-realization, and your Knowledge is your foundation."[11]

“Your greatest gift is to give your Knowledge. There is no greater gift than this. Knowledge is not ideas; it is not information. It is the regenerating force of life within you, but you cannot activate it yourself, try as you may. You can meditate for a lifetime. You can practice austerities. You can deprive yourself of pleasures, but you will merely aggravate and ruin your personal mind. It is something from beyond your own sphere that must reach you because that represents the greater part of you.”[13]

"God is trying to free you so you can be in the world and have the power that God has given you to express in this world, so that your true gifts may come forward, and that you may find where these gifts are to be given, and so that you may find the people who will help you to give them and who will honor them and value them." [9]

"Knowledge within you is telling you where to go, what to do, what to give yourself to, what not to give yourself to, where to move forward and where to hold back. It is doing this on a daily basis, but most people are far too preoccupied and caught up with themselves and have too much resistance to their own experience to hear and follow this natural inner guidance that the Creator of all life has given them." [14]

베푸는 매개체로서 베푸는 자

“You were made to give. You are the gift. Without giving, life is miserable.”[3]

"It is not you who does the giving. It is your Knowledge that does the giving through you."[3]

"So, you are not the giver. You are the medium of the giving. This is a very important difference."[3]

“You can give ideas, thoughts, emotions and beliefs, and these can be helpful, but there is a greater giving that gives you.”[3]

"How can you give Knowledge? Well, you cannot. It gives itself. Then, everywhere you go people will respond to you, even if you are not trying to give people anything. There is something in you now that is giving you to people. It is not you giving it. It is giving you."[13]

세상의 부름

“You were made to give. You are the gift. Without giving, life is miserable.”[3]

"If you have failed to make your rendezvous, later in life, if you make this discovery, there is a second redemption. And that is to give to others—to share your wealth, to share your time and to share whatever you can in service to meeting real needs of both people and of nature around you. This is the second redemption. It is not as powerful and fulfilling as the first, but it is significant and will be effective. Those who have been driven through all of their life can find themselves at the end with the opportunity to give, to be benefactors—benefactors with wealth, if they have wealth; benefactors of time, if they have time; benefactors of care, if they have the strength to do this. So there is a second redemption." [15]

완전한 베풂

“People who are terrified of losing are afraid to receive. The cost is always too great for them. If you are to be fully engaged in life individually and as a society, it will cost everything you have. You will end your life completely used up like a great vessel that has been emptied. It is that complete utilization that will fulfill you in this world and will make it unnecessary for you to return. You have given everything you have brought with you.”[16]

베풂에 관한 다른 인용문

“Remember that all communication has a pure source of giving at its core. Everything is a gift or an attempt at a gift. Everything that is said or done represents this and, though giving in the world has been denied and greatly distorted, the source of the giving remains true and uncontaminated.” [17]

“How can you give to the world? How can you be sure that what you want the world to be is what it is supposed to be? How can you be certain of all the effects of your actions? How can you be certain of what helping people really means? Your Knowledge knows, but you are uncertain.”[13]

“If Knowledge is not the guiding principle in your motives, then you will not be able to bring about a spiritual transmission.”[10]

"When you practice in meditation, you come to give yourself to it, and there is a response because your Teachers come to give themselves and that is the touch. That is where you touch each other. I give to you, you give to me and we share our mutual giving." [3]


  1. The New Message for the Impoverished and Oppressed (April 18, 2008)
  2. The Great Practices: Joy and Gratitude
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Wisdom from The Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 15: Giving I
  4. 'The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 5: The Deep Evaluation
  5. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 12: Love
  6. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 9: Spiritual Truths
  7. The Bridge to a New Life:The New Message for Young People (August 18, 2008)
  8. The Reformation: Real Change
  9. 9.0 9.1 Love and Relationships:The First Commitment (September 25, 2008)
  10. 10.0 10.1 Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 2, Chapter 4: Serving Others
  11. 11.0 11.1 Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 5: Marriage
  12. Freedom & Service in the World (November 5, 2008)
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 10: Service in the World
  14. Preparing for the Great Waves of Change, Signs from the World
  15. Love and Relationships: The Sacred Rendezvous (January 29, 2009)
  16. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 2, Chapter 7: Freedom
  17. Steps to Knowledge Level II

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추가 학습

  • Wisdom from The Greater Community, Book 1, Chapters 15 & 16: Giving I & II