Urgent and important

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"Never before has such a Revelation been given to the human family, for it was not needed." [1]

Now with great urgency, great warning

"God’s New Revelation for the world, perhaps the most important Revelation ever given—given now to save humanity from itself; given now to save human civilization; given now to redeem all those who can respond to it; given now with great urgency, great warning, but also with the great Blessing of the Creator."[2]

"Humanity will fail without the New Revelation. The world will become ever darker, more dangerous and conflicted without the Revelation. Humanity will falter and fail in the face of its own errors and lack of clarity. The resources of the world will be spent through conflict, competition and war. People will rise up against their governments. People will rise up against one another. There will be untold conflict in the future, greater and more continuous than anything you have seen before. It is the New Revelation that holds the missing ingredients to your understanding, the key to your awareness and the source of your power, strength and determination." [1]

"Without the New Message from God, humanity would fall into grave conflicts and precipitous decline, making you vulnerable to foreign powers who are already in this world to gain influence and authority here. People do not realize they are standing at the precipice, not only of great change, but also of subjugation. This is the Greater Darkness in the world, a Greater Darkness that most people are too afraid to even think about. But it is something that humanity must prepare for, and that is why God has given a New Revelation." [3]

Through untold endurance and clear determination

"It is at this great threshold in humanity’s history that a New Revelation has been sent into the world, and a Messenger has been sent here to receive it, to prepare it and to present it. For him, it is a long journey, a long and difficult journey." [4]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 God Has Spoken Again: Chapter 2: The Recitation
  2. The New World, Chapter 3: The Global Emergency
  3. The New Messenger, Chapter 4: The Story of the Messenger
  4. God Has Spoken Again, Chapter 12: God Is Moving Humanity in a New Direction

See Also

Living at a time of Revelation

Past Revelations

The challenge of the new Revelation

The Proclamation

The Way of Knowledge

Further Study