Talk:Group mind

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"The power of the mind is amplified when two or more people are focused on the same thing, particularly if they are engaged at the level of Knowledge. This has a potency that is greater than what one individual alone can produce and has a greater impact on the mental environment, which means that a group mind can affect other minds if the group is sufficiently focused."[1]

Group Mind guided by Knowledge

"A Group Mind that is guided by Knowledge, the deeper intelligence within each person, has a far greater potency and depth. It can reach into situations beyond the realm of the five senses. It can affect thought and belief and even the outcome of the events."[1]

Resisting Group Mind

"Only a man or woman who is strong in the Way of Knowledge can withstand a Group Mind focus, but even they will have to have strong allies to assist them."[1]

"Greater Community forces are in the world today, in small numbers, determining how to preserve the environment for their use and determining how humanity can become part of their alliance. These forces are not united with each other but represent divergent groups. Here there is competition for humanity’s allegiance. Their numbers are small, but their power is great. Yet their technology is not the power that will give them dominance here. It is their group mind and their ability to affect the mental environment."[1]

"Your future is in the Greater Community. That does not mean that you will leave this planet and go somewhere else. It simply means that you will find yourself no longer alone here, and you will be confronted with forces that have

greater mental abilities and greater social cohesion. They will be able to think with a group mind. It is only if humanity can develop a group mind based on Knowledge, within small groups of people, that there will be the real possibility of meaningful exchange and the real possibility that you will have the power and the insight to be able to maintain the selfdetermination amidst the presence of greater forces.

This is one of the great requirements that an emerging world faces in the Greater Community. The other great requirement is that humanity must become united, for you cannot be a diffracted and self-opposed people and hope to be able to participate in the Greater Community. Here you will encounter races of great strength and unity. These races do not necessarily possess Knowledge and they may not have Wisdom, but they will have power. Many people wonder, “Well, why don’t they come and talk to our president? Why don’t they come and speak to our leaders?” The reason is that there is no one here who represents the human race. There is no group mind here. A mob is not a group mind. An army is not a group mind. Who can speak for the human race? Who can represent the will of humanity? Even your greatest and most powerful

leaders do not have the support of their people and can rarely muster a real consensus amongst the people over any issue." LTW 11: Preparing for the Future

"Here there is competition for humanity’s allegiance. Their numbers are small, but their power is great. Yet their technology is not the power that will give them dominance here. It is their group mind and their ability to affect the Mental Environment."LTW 11: Preparing for the Future

"There must be an opportunity to establish group mind in Knowledge here. This cannot be done at the level of nations because humanity has not advanced that far. This cannot even be done at the level of large groups because your race has not advanced that far. Remember, in a state of adolescence, everyone is out for themselves, even if they have newfound powers and abilities. Even if they are acting like adults, they are still thinking like children. A mature race is a race that has found its common needs and common boundaries and has found a basis for uniting itself.

Humanity is not yet a mature race. You seem magnificent compared to the plants and animals, but they are more orderly than you are. No matter how great you may seem within your own domain, you are very small and weak in the Greater Community. Here the Greater Community offers you real opportunity for advancement and the impetus for change. It provides the groundwork for people to find their unity, for everyone in the world faces the dilemma of Greater Community intervention. The Greater Community can teach you a great deal. It can show you a great deal. And it can force you to respond. Its risks and its opportunities are greater than anything the human race has ever faced before. To respond, enough of you must develop a group mind in Knowledge—not just one person. It is no longer sufficient to simply have one inspired individual here and there.

Humanity, because of its tribal background, is able to coalesce into small groups and to establish very strong environments for a group mind. In the group mind, you do not give up your individuality. You simply pool your intellect so that your group has greater and greater resources. Here you serve to verify and to support Knowledge within each other. Here you recognize that Knowledge is greater than you individually and greater than your group. Here you aim to use your greater abilities to build the Four Pillars of your life and to meet the challenges of your greater endeavor together.

A group mind can only be established by a community that has a focus and a shared activity. It is not a weekend affair between people who are otherwise disassociated from each other. It is not a support group that gets together once in awhile and tries to find some common ground. Instead, this represents a community of people who are fully bonded with each other. They are all still made up of individuals, but each person now is valued in terms of the talents that he or she can contribute. For what value is there in individuality except in the fact that you have individual gifts to give? Beyond this, individuality becomes your personal prison cell, a place where you can live but cannot escape. In the Greater Community you will not find individuality to be valued very highly because compared to the power of group mind, individuality is weak and can always be overcome. That is why the great saints in your past have had their Spiritual Family at hand. They were not thinking like individuals. They were not acting like individuals. They were representing a group mind. Any person who demonstrates real spiritual power in the world, any person who demonstrates physical power in the world and any person who demonstrates mental power in the Mental Environment all represent group mind because a coalescing of intelligence and the focus of many minds will always be stronger than one mind. One mind alone will not be able to verify its own experience effectively. Here you reach the limits of your individuality. Here you also

see where your individuality has real purpose and merit. Here you see that your individuality is meant to be a contribution to others rather than a glorification of your own struggle to be free from others."LTW 11: Preparing for the Future

"Knowledge recognizes that your decisions alone will not bring about a great result in the world in service to anyone or anything. You must join with others to do this. You must join your intelligence. You must contribute your real gifts and your particular talents and pool them with others. This creates a group mind. This is power. This enables things to get achieved at every level of human experience. This would be true even if there were no Greater Community. But it is be required now because there is a Greater Community." LTW 11: Preparing for the Future

"Developing a Greater Community perspective and understanding will give you the vantage point from which to understand and to discern the activities of Greater Community presences in the world today. From a purely human viewpoint, you will not be able to understand these things, and you will not see them clearly. You must gain greater eyes and a greater discernment. Humanity has this capability, and it has this great need. You can do this. It can be done, and it must be done. And you will find that your discernment will not be carried out by you alone, but will be the result of many people pooling their intelligence to create a group mind focus. This creates a strength in the mental environment that an individual alone could not produce and direct." PGC 8

"In the Greater Community, what can an individual do? What kind of power can they yield? What kind of influence can they have? It is a different environment.

The social development that has occurred there has generated group mind. Tremendously powerful it can be if it is used wisely with Knowledge. Without Knowledge, like anything else, it becomes destructive and manipulative."

Preparing for the Greater Community, Chapter 16; Relationships, Destiny and Calling

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Group Mind (March 18, 2011)