Steps Review

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"Review the practices and instructions for the preceding week. Review your progress objectively. Realize how great your learning must be. Your steps now are small, but substantive. Small steps lead you all the way." [1]


Follow the instructions as they are given

"Refrain from self-judgment if you have not met your expectations. Merely realize what is required to follow the instructions as they are given and involve yourself with them as fully as possible. Remember that you are learning to learn, and remember that you are learning to reclaim your self-worth and your true abilities." [2]

"Review the past week of practice, rereading all of the instructions and with each step reviewing what has transpired in your times of practice. Be sure to ask yourself how deeply you were involved in practice—how much you wanted to search and investigate, how carefully you examined your own experience and to what extent you felt motivated to penetrate whatever barriers that might exist." [3]

Register your progress over time

"Be very thorough in your investigation. Begin with the first lesson in the two-week period and follow it day by day. Recognize what happened in your life each day. Try to remember. Try to concentrate here. In this way, you will feel the movement of your own life. It is in recognizing this movement over a period of time and seeing how the stages of your life progress that you will realize that you are firmly on the road to Knowledge. You will then see that there will be less and less behind you to hold you back and that the future will open itself to accommodate you increasingly. This is the beneficence of life bowing before you who are becoming a student of Knowledge." [4]

The Great Practices

"Try to gain an overview of all that has transpired in the past week. Try to see how you could deepen and improve your practice. Recognize how much time and energy are wasted in ambivalence and idle speculation. Realize how much of your energy is being wasted in doubt and confusion when you need only abide with Knowledge." [5]

"Review with great emphasis and discrimination. Do not allow yourself to miss the recognition of your learning process." [1]

Be objective

"Review objectively the extent of your involvement and realize the opportunities to give yourself more fully and more completely." [6]

"Be objective and recognize where your practice could have become deeper or more conscientious. Recognize how you still let the world overtake you and how you need to reapply yourself with greater certainty and determination. Do this objectively. Condemnation will only discourage you and will only lead you to quit your participation, for condemnation is simply the decision not to participate and the justification for not participating. Therefore, do not fall into this habit, but view your participation objectively." [7]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Steps to Knowledge, Step 84
  2. Steps to Knowledge, Step 56
  3. Steps to Knowledge, Step 28
  4. Steps to Knowledge, Step 266
  5. Steps to Knowledge, Step 280
  6. Steps to Knowledge, Step 252
  7. Steps to Knowledge, Step 322

See also


Step practice

Steps to Knowledge

The Four Pillars of life‎

Further study