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“You have a sacred rendezvous with the Messenger, whether you can meet him in person or not.” [1]

To meet the Messenger

“Because of the sacred journey of the Messenger, it is important that there be a pilgrimage for those who can respond, a pilgrimage to meet him if possible, or to connect with him if meeting him is not possible.” [1]

“If you have been blessed by the Revelation from God, then this Pilgrimage becomes very important, and your reaching out becomes very important during the remaining time that the Messenger will be here on Earth, for he is an older man and has traveled a long and difficult journey, a journey without recognition, a journey without praise from people in the world except for perhaps a very few, working in obscurity to receive the greatest Revelation that has ever been given to this world, to prepare humanity for a future that will be unlike the past in so many ways.”[1]

“If you can come to meet the Messenger, there are certain times of the year, events that are given, where that is possible and welcome, for he cannot receive people every day or any time." ... "He has much too much work to do in these remaining years of his life.” [1]

“You must know the Messenger because how he is portrayed in the future truly will be based upon the recognition of those who understand him now, who have received from him during his time on Earth. They will be the first responders, and their testimony will be significant, though others will continue to respond to the Revelation and even to the Messenger far, far beyond this time. This is a primary relationship for you, but you must know this in your own heart.” [1]

In every life

“You have a sacred rendezvous with Knowledge, a set of encounters that will alter the course of your life and reveal to you a deeper nature and a deeper reality that goes beyond your ideas about yourself, your personality and your personal history—a recognition that is beyond the realm and the reach of the intellect.” [2]


Further study