Facing life

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"People are losing energy in so many different ways—through idle conversations, through meaningless discussions, through hopeless pursuits. They are reacting strongly to little problems and are not reacting to big problems. Their energy is being lost and wasted, misappropriated, given to things of little or no consequence.

Meanwhile, there are great issues facing them that they must address. Knowledge within them is warning them, encouraging them, restraining them, motivating them, but they may not feel its power and its presence."[1]

"You have not come to meet life face to face. You are not opening yourself to see what must be done, regardless of your preferences in the matter.

It is not an intellectual issue. It is facing life squarely. It is looking at the Four Pillars of your life. It is looking at your environment. It is reassessing your position regarding all these things and saying to life: 'What must I see? What must I know? And what must I do?'"[1]


Further study

  • Steps to Knowledge, Step 165: My duties are small. My mission is great; and Step 166: My mission is great. Therefore, I am free to do small things.

New Message teachings with "Facing" in the title