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The convergence of the Great Waves of change

"The Great Waves of change are all converging at the same time, creating cross-currents and a complexity of events that no one can predict accurately. Climate will affect food production. Food production will affect political and economic instability. Political instability will affect energy production and distribution. Poor living conditions will foster disease and even pandemics. Water resources will affect vast populations, forcing mass migrations, creating ever greater political-economic tensions and instability. If this goes unchecked, then you are facing a different kind of human conflict. You are facing wars of desperation, which are unlike the conflicts that humanity has engaged in in the past."[1]

"The Great Waves of change are not merely one event but a convergence of many powerful forces. It is their convergence that will create instability and unpredictable change. This will create so many interacting forces that it will be very difficult for people to understand what is happening and why all of this is occurring."[2]


  1. Preparing for the Great Waves of Change: Building your Ark
  2. The New World Prophecy : Navigating the Difficult Times Ahead