Becoming Allies of Humanity

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“Yet we must remain emphatic in our assurance that there is still time for humanity to offset and stop the Intervention. However, for this to happen, this individual must be recognized and assisted. You must speak out yourself on behalf of this message that we are giving, and you must assist him in speaking on behalf of it. He has very little support in the world. There are great obstacles. The Intervention is aware of him and even at this moment is seeking to thwart him.

This message that we are conveying to you has been entrusted to this individual to deliver to you in a pure form, as pure a form as can be achieved. We have confidence that he has been able to do this. He has also been given The Greater Community Teaching, which is the only preparation in the world to prepare people in a Greater Community Way of Knowledge.”[1]


  1. The Allies of Humanity Book Two, 6th Briefing: A Call to Action

See also


Further study