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"That is why God does not cast a wand over you and make all of your troubles go away, as if you are on welfare of some kind. You have to backtrack. Your life went off course some time back there. You have to work your way back. Just as if you were lost in a big city, or in the wilderness, well, you have to backtrack, try to figure out where you lost your point of certainty, beyond which you didn’t know where you were or what you were doing."[1]

"While you are backtracking, you are also building wisdom and clarity and strength.

Most people, you see, do not want to backtrack."[1]

"Readiness is very important. In a sense, everyone is not ready until they are ready—until they have cleared their life, until they have faced their mistakes from the past, until they have let go of what they have created if it is standing in their way, until they have reached a deeper level of self-honesty where they can feel the movement and the restraint of Knowledge within themselves."[2]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ending Violence Within (September 4, 2008)
  2. Love and Relationships: Love and Relationships

See also


The Deep Evaluation

Further study