Ancient aliens

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"Humanity has lived in isolation throughout its entire evolution with only very brief encounters with races from beyond the world."[1]

Extraterrestrial visitations on Earth in the past

"For a long time, the Earth has been watched and studied—the advent of humanity has been watched and studied, humanity’s technological process and progress have been watched and studied, awaiting the time when the Intervention would be attempted." [2]

"Your past experiences with the Greater Community cannot really help you. They were extremely infrequent, and the only record of them now has been passed on through oral tradition or, in rare cases, writing. This history has become so modified by human ritual and belief that it holds no accurate or direct record of intervention or foreign presence in the world."[1]

"In the past, the Earth had been viewed as a storehouse of biological wealth. Yet attempts to establish permanent residences here have failed as the visitors became affected by the biological environment."[1]

"This world has been the focus for many races for a very long time because of its biological diversity and its strategic position in this well-inhabited part of the universe. The Earth has been observed for a very long time. It is of great interest to different groups for different purposes."[1]

"Many thousands of years ago, in your time, several races came to interbreed with humanity to give humanity a greater intelligence and adaptability. This led to the rather sudden emergence of what we understand is called 'Modern Man.' This has given you dominance and power in your world. This occurred long ago."[3]


"Worlds such as yours are quite rare and are therefore highly prized and regarded by those in the Greater Community who are aware of them. Indeed, your world has been used as a biological storehouse and resource for millennia by several different races."[4]

"Visitations to the world have been brief and infrequent, carried out by different groups for different purposes. Some have come to gain biological resources, some for experimentation and some to establish a base of influence. But none of them have been able to be sustained for very long."[1]

"The world has been visited for a very long time. These visitations have been from a number of different races for different purposes. Some have come here to gain biological samples from the immensely rich diversity of life in the world. Others have come here to hide things, to store things beyond the awareness of the native peoples of the world. At different points, others have established bases here temporarily and on a few occasions have tried, in more recent history, to educate or to influence early human civilizations. These visitations were brief and were not sustained for long. The bases that were established here were only mainly to gain a greater understanding of the Earth’s geological and biological realities. Attempts to influence early civilizations proved to be unsuccessful. However, a great deal has been learned about the natural world here, and many biological elements have been taken from the world periodically to support the emergence of life elsewhere."[1]

"Primitive peoples had a great capacity for recognizing the forces of nature, but their sophistication and understanding, technology and communication were limited. Therefore, with only a few exceptions, attempts to communicate with them were never made. They were deemed unready to engage in meaningful dialogue."[1]

"Certain native groups were given wisdom about life existing beyond the world. This was demonstrated to them by visitations and by the giving of gifts. This existed in tribal nations long before and, in some cases, after the existence of early human civilizations."[1]

"In ancient times, Greater Community explorers came to your world to gather biological resources and, in rare situations, to hide things. Their encounters with native peoples were quite rare, for they were not here for that purpose.

From a Greater Community standpoint, your world is like a greenhouse, a great biological storehouse in the universe, and this is rare. For this reason, it has been used over the span of time as a place where biological resources could be gathered. Yet visitations were rare and the native peoples, though they witnessed some of these visitations, were not the primary focal point of the visitors."[5]

Colonization and Adaptation

"Attempts have been made to establish colonies on Earth, but these colonies have all failed because of the biological hazard. The native races of your world were far too primitive to be considered important relations—important enough to establish major interbreeding activities. Attempts have been made to influence earlier cultures in your world, but the results have not been significant."[6]

"Many thousands of years ago, in your time, several races came to interbreed with humanity to give humanity a greater intelligence and adaptability. This led to the rather sudden emergence of what we understand is called 'Modern Man.' This has given you dominance and power in your world. This occurred long ago."[7]


  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Life in the Universe, Chapter 2: A Brief History of the Visitation to the Earth
  2. Life in the Universe, Chapter 14: Your Relationship with the Greater Community
  3. The Allies of Humanity Book One, Second Briefing: The Challenge to Human Freedom
  4. Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 6: What is the Greater Community?
  5. The Greater Community, Chapter 8: Preparing for the Greater Community
  6. The Allies of Humanity Book Three, Sixth Briefing: Greater Community Realities
  7. The Allies of Humanity Book One, Second Briefing:The Challenge to Human Freedom

See Also

Interbreeding--History on Earth