토론:새 메시지 예언

The New Message from God Korean Wiki
방석종 (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 5월 30일 (월) 06:01 판
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"The world is entering a more difficult and prolonged challenge and set of circumstances."[1]

"There are Great Waves of change coming to humanity. Many of these have been generated as a result of human activity and behavior in the world, and some of them are the result of humanity’s overall evolution."[2]

"The decisions made in the next two decades will determine the outcome of what kind of journey the human family will have to take in the future."[3]

"The Great Waves of change are all converging at the same time, creating cross-currents and a complexity of events that no one can predict accurately. Climate will affect food production. Food production will affect political and economic instability. Political instability will affect energy production and distribution. Poor living conditions will foster disease and even pandemics. Water resources will affect vast populations, forcing mass migrations, creating ever greater political-economic tensions and instability. If this goes unchecked, then you are facing a different kind of human conflict. You are facing wars of desperation, which are unlike the conflicts that humanity has engaged in the past."[4]

가속되는 긴장

"You will have brief periods of resurgence and renewal, but they will be brief, you see, because people have not faced the reality that they are living in a declining world."[5]

식량과 식량 생산에 관한 예언

"You are entering a time now where even food and water will become increasingly difficult for nations to acquire adequately, where entire cities will be running out of water and where food will not be available to entire nations in adequate supply."[6]

"In the future, food will become more difficult to grow, more difficult to distribute, become a subject of contention, competition and conflict. Nations will hoard their productivity or only sell their surplus to other favored nations. There will be less food available for the world. Changing climate will have an ever greater destructive force on humanity’s ability to produce adequate food. And water resources will become ever more scarce, both in the drier regions of the world, and in providing the source of rivers. You can see this today if you will look. It is not a fantasy. It is not a conspiracy. It is not the machination of governments or leaders."[7]


"There will be poverty of a very grave nature as nations fail, as agriculture fails, as people cannot afford their food, as essential energy becomes rare and inaccessible to many people."[6]

자원 고갈

"There are still resources in the world, yes, but they will be harder to find, and there will be more competition for them."[5]

"At this threshold, humanity is facing the prospect of living in a world of diminishing resources, facing the impacts of environmental destruction, of global warming, of violent weather, of pandemic disease and Intervention from forces beyond the world who are seeking to take advantage of human weakness and conflict for their own purposes."[2]


"Many people will perish in the future, either through poverty and oppression or through ignorance and foolishness. Nations will be tempted to go to war with each other over the remaining resources, which will be ever more difficult to secure. And the grievances of humanity, so long standing, will flare here and there and everywhere."[8]


  1. 변화의 큰 물결 준비, 세상에서 오는 신호
  2. 2.0 2.1 개선, 정치 지도자를 위한 신의 새 메시지
  3. 새로운 세상 예언, 계시의 목표와 목적
  4. 변화의 큰 물결 준비, 방주 구축하기
  5. 5.0 5.1 새로운 세상 예언, 다가오는 금융 폭풍
  6. 6.0 6.1 개선, 전쟁의 엔진
  7. Food, Water and Energy (February 19, 2009)
  8. The New Message Prophecy (October 7, 2009)