
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
방석종 (토론 | 기여)님의 2024년 2월 5일 (월) 08:56 판 (문서 생성)
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거래 규칙 및 네트워크

"In this part of the Greater Community, there is no ruling world or ruling body. There is no center of government. There is only a center of trade between participating nations. This is a great federation, but its primary purpose is to maintain trade. What goes on outside the jurisdiction of this trade is anybody’s business. Within the established areas and parameters of trade, there are ruling guidelines for behavior. But this government of commerce, as you could call it, does not interfere in internal affairs. Only if one world is threatening another militarily can there be any possibility of intervention, but this is very rare." [1]


  1. Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume II, Chapter 28: Greater Community Realities

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