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The New Message from God Korean Wiki
방석종 (토론 | 기여)님의 2023년 11월 21일 (화) 06:49 판 (문서추가)
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"People think they should be told" [about the Intervention], "but most people could not handle it. They could not take it in. They would run and try to hide somewhere. They would think the end of the world was at hand." [1]


"If individuals and groups and nations continue as you are continuing now, the world will enter a period of prolonged decline, and war and competition and conflict will be rampant, and people everywhere will suffer greatly, and great calamities will come to the world. And people will not be prepared and people will not understand. And people will feel betrayed by God. People will feel that their prophecies are being fulfilled and that the end of the world is at hand. But this is not the end of the world. This is only the result of human ignorance and human error and the result of humanity’s emergence into a Greater Community of intelligent life where you will have to face competing forces from beyond your world." [2]


"So, there are conflicts and they will continue, but the world will not blow up. There are forces in the world to keep this from happening. It is possible these forces can fail, but it hasn’t happened yet. Do not think the fate of the world is up to people alone."[3]

"Some will think it is the end of time, but it is really the great transition, the great adaptation to a world that humanity has created through its misuse of the world, through its blindness and ignorance, using everything only for the moment." [4]


  1. The Allies of Humanity Book Two, Third Commentary: Understanding the Intervention
  2. What Will End War (April 29, 2007)
  3. Wisdom from the Greater Community Volume II, Chapter 13: Religion as Mystery
  4. God's New Message for the Islamic World (December 30, 2014)

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