
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
방석종 (토론 | 기여)님의 2023년 4월 4일 (화) 09:01 판 (새 문서: “Your happiness must be established on a firm foundation, on something you bring with you into the world, not on what the world can do for you.” <ref name="wgcI22">''Wisdom from the Greater Community'', Book I, Chapter 22: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-6/wisdom-greater-community-book-1/problem-suffering-greater-happiness Escaping Suffering]</ref> "When we talk about real happiness, we are talking about the satisfaction and the sense of integrity that come f...)
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“Your happiness must be established on a firm foundation, on something you bring with you into the world, not on what the world can do for you.” [1]

"When we talk about real happiness, we are talking about the satisfaction and the sense of integrity that come from really engaging yourself in your greater purpose and mission here." [2]

"Look at all your comforts and conveniences and think of the people who created these so that you enjoy them. Be happy with what you have because you have so much already. Unless you are living in a state of extreme poverty, you have so much already. Look at your clothing. You have more than you need. You are rich."[3]

"Be happy with what you have. Learn to recognize what you have. Deeply experience what you have as an antidote to this endless wanting and searching and yearning and all of the unhappiness, disappointment and aggravation that it brings to you." [3]

행복에 대한 잘못된 생각

"If you are truly honest with yourself, you must recognize that your experience of physical existence is predominantly one of suffering and uncertainty. You have moments of happiness, moments of reprieve, moments of enjoyable distraction. You perhaps believe you are happier than you really are, and many people suffer from this delusion, but if you are really honest about it, looking at your own experience objectively, you will have to admit that really it is not a very balanced experience. It is weighted far more towards suffering, uncertainty and anxiety than it is towards any real enjoyment of life." [4]

“To escape the world to pursue happiness is no different than trying to enrich yourself with possessions or with gaining high social position. It is still a focus on one’s own fulfillment. But you did not come into the world to fulfill yourself. You did not come here to be a mass consumer, to use everything in the world for your own edification, for your own satisfaction, for your own happiness.” [5]

행복해지는 방법에 대한 인용문

"If your life is more simple, then you are able to experience it more fully and more happily."[3]

"People do not want to feel discomfort, uncertainty or anxiety, and so they have set up a series of defenses so they can stay preoccupied and feel better about themselves and their situation. But these defenses end up denying critically important experiences that they are having. Part of this defense mechanism is developing a whole network of fantasies that you indulge yourself in, in the attempt to create a happy or interesting set of dreams to replace how you are really feeling in the moment." [6]

"The pursuit of happiness becomes very self-deceptive because you only want to acknowledge those feelings and experiences that support your pursuit of happiness, while denying or decrying all the rest of your experience. This leads to a kind of self-avoidance and low self-esteem because if you cannot recognize and acknowledge your own experience, then you are really denying yourself. You are in a state of avoidance with your own experience." [6]

"After you have tasted the pleasures and the sorrows of this world, after you have tried to fulfill yourself with people and places and activities and holidays and hobbies and sports and every other form of distraction that may be available to you—when you finally come to yourself, whether it be from a great disappointment or a sudden realization or a lucid moment in your hectic life, when you finally come to this, you will realize there is a greater need within you and that it cannot be fulfilled by all the desperate attempts at happiness that everyone around you is attempting and committing themselves to." [7]

"The real wealth, the real happiness, will be attained by other means. God has placed Knowledge within you to guide you and to protect you and to teach you how to live in harmony with your environment and with each other. It is oriented to the truth, to what is real and genuine and authentic, what is honest and what is compassionate. It is your relationship with your deeper nature that will enable you to re-establish a real functioning relationship with the natural world—to restore a sustainable life, a balanced life." [8]

세상에 봉사하기

"The calling here is to serve the world, not merely to enlighten yourself, not merely to put yourself in the position of extreme happiness and contentment." [9]

영적 연습과 행복

"Spiritual practice is not here to give you happiness or to assure prosperity or to transcend you out of this world. It is here to connect you with the deeper current of your life—a current that is moving, that has direction and that has somewhere to go." [10]

행복과 관한 많은 인용문

“You cannot resolve anything without Knowledge and you will have no foundation for faith, trust or happiness without it. All your pleasures will be temporary, unstable and easily challenged. [11]

“So what about happiness? Happiness is of two varieties: There is the happiness in the moment, which is the result of fun and play and, on rare occasions, true recognition of another person. Then there is happiness of an enduring nature, which is born of your satisfaction that your life is truly engaged. It is perhaps not as spectacular a happiness. You do not go around laughing all day, but it abides with you. No matter what happens to you or to the world, you have found your place, you have found your way, and there is a very great certainty that your way will lead you on.” [12]

“We are primarily concerned with engaging you with your true happiness, which is engaging you with your purpose in being here and your meaning in being here and the direction you must follow now.” [13]

“Happiness is a quiescent state. It is not jittery. It is not trying to go anywhere or get anything. It is very still, so you have to become a little still to come into proximity to it. It is as if happiness is going five miles an hour and you are going a hundred miles an hour! Well, you passed it by!” [1]

“How easily your happiness is thrown away by some minor change in life.” [1]

“So, do not look at yourself personally and say, 'Well, what do I want and how will it make me happy?' Look at the world and ask, 'What does the world need and what can I give?'” [14]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book I, Chapter 22: Escaping Suffering
  2. Taking the Steps to Knowledge (April 21, 2000)
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Joy and Gratitude (January 31, 2009)
  4. The One God, Chapter 5: What is Creation?
  5. Enlightenment (September 18, 2008)
  6. 6.0 6.1 Preparing for the Great Waves of Change, Signs from the World
  7. The New Message on Freedom (February 3, 2008)
  8. Nature and Natural Disasters (September 8, 2008)
  9. The New Message on Fulfillment (August 24, 2007)
  10. Love and Relationships, The First Commitment (September 25, 2008)
  11. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book I, Chapter 4: Trust
  12. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book I, Chapter 19: Fulfillment
  13. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book I, Chapter 21: Enduring Happiness
  14. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book II, Chapter 3: Pleasure

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