
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
Ilhun Chung (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 12월 19일 (월) 08:22 판 (문서 생성)
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"You must resist the Intervention. You must recognize it is nothing more than competition from beyond the world. You must not be fooled by its promises of wealth and power and freedom. You must not become dejected or resign yourself, thinking that you have no power in this matter, for humanity has the great advantage." [1]

그들의 관점

"Who from the Greater Community will think that your well-being is a priority when you are spoiling the very world you live in, which is considered an asset for the whole Greater Community?" [2]

개입의 시기

"As resources decline within this world, and as economic and political instability increases, the offerings of the Intervention will become ever more persuasive, yet what it is offering is your own demise—the loss of human freedom, your dependence upon foreign technology and foreign power." [1]

"As humanity faces greater and greater instability and faces the temptation of conflict and war, this Intervention will gain in strength. Its promises of peace and power will become ever more seductive. It will take many more people against their will, turning them against the human family, turning them against the Knowledge that God has placed within them, turning them against themselves. While humanity is fighting and struggling down here on Earth, other forces are here to take advantage of its predicaments, its ignorance and its superstitions." [1]

외계인의 조작

"While the Intervention will present itself to its believers and its advocates as a benign and spiritual force, in reality it will be supporting the very forces that undermine humanity’s integrity, its unity and its self-confidence. The Intervention will undermine people’s belief and confidence in their leaders and their institutions, thus fostering a vacuum of confidence that can easily be shifted to a foreign power that is presenting itself as a benign and advanced race." [3]

"People who assign themselves these roles and responsibilities are not the Emissaries of the Creator. At best, they are the emissaries of their own ambition and their own failed ideologies. At worse, they fall into service to powers that they cannot even recognize and begin to endorse, represent and propose things, the source of which is unknown to them. They have claimed that they are not the authors of their own demonstration, and because they do not want to even think that they are the authors of their own demonstration, they will naturally appeal to any other source that to them represents a kind of spiritual power. It is this kind of self-deception, it is this kind of self-glorification that would make one extremely vulnerable to manipulation from beyond."[4]

"People who claim to be psychic, to be clairvoyant, to have unique and special powers—these people are especially vulnerable to manipulation from beyond. And because they give themselves such high rank in the spiritual hierarchy, and because they consider themselves to be so unique among human beings, and because they seek recognition and approval for their ideas, these people will be very, very good candidates for manipulation and can well fall in with the Intervention, in all of its manifestations. Willing now to serve a greater power and believing that they are endowed to do so, they assign themselves the role of emissaries." [4]

외계인 점령

"개입자들은 수십 년 동안 인간의 저항을 거의 받지 않고 이곳에서 활동해 왔다. 그들의 계획은 이제 성숙 단계에 접어들었으며, 인간의 나약함과 인간의 분열, 인간의 미신과 인간의 기대를 그들의 이익에 맞게 이용하고, 지구와 귀중한 지구 자원의 통제권을 얻기 위해 기다리고 있다. 그들의 목표는 인류를 제거하는 것이 아니라, 인류를 노동력으로, 보조 노동력으로 이용하여, 지구의 지배권과 권력이 외세로 옮겨가는 동안 가능한 한 오랫동안 정상의 모습을 유지하는 것이다." [5]

외계인의 포위

"In a manner of speaking, humanity is under siege though perhaps this seems too strong a word because the activities of the Visitors seem so subtle and invasive. But given the results of this intervention, the word “siege” here really is appropriate. If you try to help another nation that is under siege and you want to remain hidden, then you have to protect yourself and your sources and communicate in such a way that the message can be dispensed effectively with a minimum of risk of the information being destroyed or corrupted in any way. This is why the message is being given to one person." [6]


"With a Greater Community perspective, you are able to see your situation not with anger and condemnation, but with clarity and perspective. You will be able to assess humanity’s advances and its shortcomings in light of the Greater Community. Humanity has never compared itself with other intelligent life, so it does not know how strong or weak it really is." [2]

"The Allies of Humanity Briefings and the Teaching in the New Message together will provide you a clear understanding, and it will be an understanding that you will be able to comprehend easily because it reflects the lessons of nature and the lessons of your own history in this world―the lessons of intervention, the lessons of competition in nature and what peoples and nations must do to become free from intervention, in this case an intervention into the minds and the hearts of people." [5]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Resisting the Intervention (September 10, 2008)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Living The Way of Knowledge, Chapter 9: Sharing The Way of Knowledge with Others
  3. 인류의 동행자 제 2 권, 상황보고 3 : 인류에게 미치는 영향
  4. 4.0 4.1 Discerning False Messengers (March 21, 2000)
  5. 5.0 5.1 Protecting Yourself from the Intervention (March 17, 2011)
  6. Understanding the Intervention (February 25, 2000)