
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
Ilhun Chung (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 11월 9일 (수) 05:26 판 (문서 생성)
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혼의 필요성

"You cannot satisfy the need of the soul with religious beliefs, for the need of the soul requires a deeper kind of devotion that is not based on ideology but on a kind of engagement within yourself with a deeper power and presence that lives within you beyond the reach and the realm of the intellect."[1]

"As the soul reaches, the mind can only follow. Many blessing to all who are reaching."[2]

  1. The Needs of the Body, Mind and Soul (December 29, 2008)
  2. Marshall Vian Summers, at the Campfire Chat (August 24, 2013)