
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
방석종 (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 7월 12일 (화) 09:29 판 (새 문서: ==세상의 진화== “The world was ultimately created as a place for the separated to live. It was created, as was the physical universe, by powerful geological forces that were set in motion by the Creator of all life. These forces continue at this moment, they are self-perpetuating, they are changing, and in a certain degree they are chaotic." … "The Creator of all life has set evolution in motion, and evolution now continues without God managing it. It is self-perpetuati...)
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세상의 진화

“The world was ultimately created as a place for the separated to live. It was created, as was the physical universe, by powerful geological forces that were set in motion by the Creator of all life. These forces continue at this moment, they are self-perpetuating, they are changing, and in a certain degree they are chaotic." … "The Creator of all life has set evolution in motion, and evolution now continues without God managing it. It is self-perpetuating. It is moving, it is evolving. Life evolves to greater levels of complexity and intelligence. Evolution in times of geologic and biologic time is extremely slow. Short of cataclysmic events, it is extremely slow.”[1]

  1. Evolution (October 24, 2008)