토론:변화의 큰 물결

The New Message from God Korean Wiki
방석종 (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 6월 20일 (월) 10:49 판
둘러보기로 이동 검색으로 이동
Climate change and catastrophic weather
Rising seas
Economic instability
Political instability
Declining resources
Loss of arable land and fresh water
Destruction of our natural environment
Human migration
Pandemic illness
Escalating war and conflict
Intervention by forces from beyond our world[1]

"Humanity is entering a time of great change and difficulty, a time when it will be facing the Great Waves of change—environmental degradation, resource depletion, violent weather, growing economic and political instability and the threat of war and conflict."[2]


"The world will need you, and you must commit yourself to it. It is not a world of casual choices but a world of great demands, and the demands that it will make will show you your own greatness."[3]

"Do not look upon the Great Waves of Change only as a tragedy or as a great danger, but as a calling, as a requirement—a calling and a requirement that can restore and redeem you, that can call forth Knowledge within you and the great gifts that you have come to give, gifts that will be determined by the very circumstances that are emerging now."[4]

"This is a time now to stop blaming others, to end your ceaseless debates, to set aside your grievances and your hostilities, to face the fact that you are going to have to live life much more simply in the future. You will be living in a world of great resource restraints. You will not be able to get around very easily. Everything will be very expensive and there will have to be a great emphasis on producing food and other necessary things on a much more local scale. There will have to be tremendous restraint of anger, blame and hostility if people are to make this necessary transition. So many assumptions and beliefs will have to be set aside to face the reality of your situation."[2]

더할 수 없이 나쁜 상황

"The Great Waves of Change are converging upon the world. We have the great change of diminishing resources, the peak of petroleum and natural gas; we have climate change and violent weather, which will limit our ability to grow food. We have the displacement of large numbers of people who can no longer live where they live, who will have no where to go."[5]

긴요한 것

"You have everything you need to be successful. Your greatest adversaries are yourselves."[6]


  1. back cover of The Great Waves of Change and Messenger's Vigil Broadcast, February 20, 2022 (registration required)
  2. 2.0 2.1 새로운 세상 예언 : 다가올 어려운 시기 헤쳐나가기
  3. Secrets of Heaven, Secret 39
  4. Preparing for the Great Waves of Change (July 27, 2007)
  5. Marshall Vian Summers, August 17, 2007
  6. 변화의 큰 물결에 대한 대비 : 큰 변화에 적응하기

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