
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
방석종 (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 12월 17일 (토) 04:46 판
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변화의 큰 물결로서의 팬데믹

At this time, humanity is facing great challenges, perhaps greater than anything it has ever faced before. At this threshold, humanity is facing the prospect of living in a world of diminishing resources; facing the impacts of environmental disruption, global warming, violent weather and pandemic disease.”[1]

준비성 및 복원력 테스트

"The Creator of all life has given you the power of Knowledge to give you the possibility to know these things. This is to prepare you for eventualities and also to prepare you for the unexpected events and hazards that will become ever more likely as humanity faces the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world—environmental decline, diminishing resources, ever growing economic and political instability, a changing climate, the loss of food production, the risk of pandemic illness and the risk of ever-growing competition and conflict of war over the remaining resources. These are the Great Waves of change. In addition to this, humanity is facing Intervention from certain races in the Universe who want to take advantage of humanity’s lack of wisdom and its divisions in order to gain a greater influence here in the future. These are the Great Waves of Change, yet who can see them? Who can face them? Who can discern their meaning? Who can consider the various outcomes that may result from this? Who has the presence of mind, the objectivity, the freedom from personal preference and a strong enough connection to Knowledge to face this, to see this, to understand this and to discern its great impact upon the world and what individuals and nations must do now to prepare?"[2]

“The poor people of the world are being impacted directly, facing ever greater costs for everything that they need. And they are facing the impact of violent weather destroying crops, devastating towns and cities, creating immense instability and a human welfare problem. They are facing the growing risk of disease, even pandemic illness. They are already paying the price for the indulgences of the rich, for the lavish lifestyle and the overuse and misuse of the world’s resources. Surely they can tell the story of the Great Waves of change."[3]

"The Great Waves of change are all converging at the same time, creating cross-currents and a complexity of events that no one can predict accurately. Climate will affect food production. Food production will affect political and economic instability. Political instability will affect energy production and distribution. Poor living conditions will foster disease and even pandemics."[4]

"Ultimately, the nations of the world will have to achieve a very high state of interdependence if they are to survive the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world—environmental degradation, diminishing resources, the loss of food production, the changing of climate and violent weather, the threat of pandemic illness, and the threats of growing conflict, competition and war.

Only a greater interdependence can make war unnecessary—interdependence based upon fundamental mutual needs. Now it is the whole human family that must be sustained. Now it is the security of the world, even more than the security of any nation, that becomes the priority, because you are threatened by the Great Waves of change.[5]

위대한 소명

"Without this, human civilization will go into a permanent state of decline on a scale greater than anything that you have ever seen or known of. Greater than the world wars it would be. Greater than the pandemics of Earth it would be. More complex, more difficult to manage."[6]


  1. 개혁 : 정치지도자를 위한 신의 새 메시지
  2. Intelligence and the Power of the Seer (July 3, 2008)
  3. Preparing for a Future Unlike the Past (September 8 2008)
  4. 변화의 큰 물결에 대한 대비 : 방주 구축하기
  5. 사랑과 관계 : 상호 의존
  6. Fields of Despair (January 11, 2015)