
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
방석종 (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 12월 12일 (월) 10:31 판 (새 문서: "Great Revelation comes into the world perhaps once in a millennium, at a time of great need, a time of great change and at a time of great opportunity. You can perhaps feel the need and see it growing around you, even within yourself. You can perhaps see the evidence of great change happening all around you and across the world. But the opportunity is something you may not see, for it speaks of this time and the times to come. It does not reveal the great care and preparation t...)
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"Great Revelation comes into the world perhaps once in a millennium, at a time of great need, a time of great change and at a time of great opportunity. You can perhaps feel the need and see it growing around you, even within yourself. You can perhaps see the evidence of great change happening all around you and across the world. But the opportunity is something you may not see, for it speaks of this time and the times to come. It does not reveal the great care and preparation that has been made to bring Revelation into the world once again at a time where the need and the change and the opportunity are so great that God must speak again."[1]

  1. The Vehicle of Revelation (September 17, 2014)