
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
방석종 (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 12월 12일 (월) 10:06 판 (새 문서: "Be you of any position in society, it is the same challenge. It is the same gift. It will free you internally. It will bring your life into balance. It will restore to you the greater reason you have come into this world at this time, under these circumstances—the perfect time to be here for you. It will bring an end to shame and unworthiness if you can receive, if you can follow and understand."<ref>''개혁'', [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/the-reformation...)
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"Be you of any position in society, it is the same challenge. It is the same gift. It will free you internally. It will bring your life into balance. It will restore to you the greater reason you have come into this world at this time, under these circumstances—the perfect time to be here for you. It will bring an end to shame and unworthiness if you can receive, if you can follow and understand."[1]