
The New Message from God Korean Wiki
Ilhun Chung (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 12월 19일 (월) 03:45 판
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예수의 유산

"This was his greatest contribution to humanity—this and the emphasis on God’s Love for Creation—to repair and to replace the Old Testaments that spoke of an angry, vengeful God, who rewarded those who believed and punished those who did not.”[1]

관계, 개인이 아닌

"Jesus is part of a Greater Order, greater indeed. Think not his presence in this world was a singular event long ago."[2]

"When you think of Jesus, think of an individual married to his Spiritual Family. Christ is relationship; Christ is not an individual. People make the Christ an individual because they can identify with an individual more easily than they can with a greater relationship. They relate to separation more than to union. It would be accurate to say that Christ does not mean the anointed one. It means the united relationship."[3]

새 메시지와의 조화


"You can be assured that Jesus, Buddha and Muhammad and all the great Spiritual Emissaries, both known and unknown, are in complete harmony with what is being presented here. They too had to face dissension and conflict, rejection and ridicule. They understand, for this is the nature of delivering A New Message from God, into this world or into any other world in the physical universe." [4]

지구에서 예수의 삶

"When Jesus was taught of his ministry, he had to be informed of what would happen to him personally. That is the price of complete exposure. That is why true teachers must give up all personal ambition, for that is counter-productive to their true mission and well-being." [5]

"Do not think that Jesus Christ was not marveling at his own work!"[6]

"Christmas represents the emergence of Knowledge in the individual. This is exemplified in the life of Jesus, who beyond his own understanding even, a Greater Power emerged within him and overtook his life uniting him with the Unseen Ones, who guided him and led to the expression of his great and significant ministry." [7]

예수의 재림

"If Jesus returned to the world, people would fight over whether they believed in him or not. He would bring war and destruction to the world, and that is not what God wills."[8]

"God works behind the scenes, uniting people at the level of Knowledge, fostering greater cooperation, greater selflessness and greater service to others. If the real Jesus returned, he would be destroyed by those who do not believe in him, and he would set in train great conflict between the believers and the non-believers. He would not bring peace, and he knows this. If the Maitreya Buddha returns, the Christian world would oppose him. If the 12th Imam returns, the vast majority of the world would oppose him. Would this bring peace? Would this bring equanimity? Would this bring justice? Or would only one group, one nation, one small part of the human family, be fulfilled in their expectations?"[9]

"The Intervention can create wonderful spiritual scenarios to activate those individuals who are most prone to be their messengers. It is not difficult for the Intervention to do. They simply stage a drama and put someone in the middle of it, and this person cannot tell the difference. People do not know what a Greater Community presence is. To them, it is all coming from somewhere else, not at their level, but from a higher place. So, in one scenario, an image of Jesus is projected to a zealous person, and the zealous person says, “Jesus has come to me." And the Jesus says, "You must gather my true followers and you must denounce all others!" And the zealous follower says, "Yes, Master, yes, Master!""[10]


  1. The Pure Religion, Chapter 13: The Redeemer
  2. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 24: Happiness in the World
  3. Relationships and Higher Purpose, Chapter 12: Establishing Relationships
  4. The New Message from God, Spiritual Powers in the Universe
  5. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 24: Happiness in the World
  6. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 15, Giving 1
  7. The Meaning of Christmas, (December 23, 1994)
  8. The New Way Forward for Humanity : What Will End War
  9. The Dangerous Second Coming (July 16, 2008)
  10. The Allies of Humanity Book Two, Second Commentary: Effects of the Pacification Program

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Second Coming


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