Short Quotes
Do not think that God will just intervene and fix everything for humanity, for this does not happen in life.
- Navigating the Difficult Times Ahead 9/29/08
Long Quotes
You may pray urgently to God for salvation, for guidance, for redemption and for protection, but God has already given you a perfect guiding intelligence. Whether you are a part of a religion or not, whether you practice a faith tradition or not, wherever you live, whatever your culture, whatever your financial position, you have the great endowment living within you.
- Navigating the Difficult Times Ahead 9/29/08
"God is like the air you breathe. God is everywhere. God is communicating with you through Knowledge, and God is giving you signs and messages. God is speaking to you through Knowledge. God is telling you which way to go, what to do and what not to do, where to give yourself, where not to give yourself, what will lead to a good outcome and what will lead to calamity. This is Providence."
- What is Providence 8/25/08