The Allies of Humanity

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Short Quotes

"The Creator of all life has asked humanity’s allies to send wisdom to the world in a set of briefings."

  • The Importance of the Greater Community 12/11/09

"God has called upon those few free races in your region of space to witness the Intervention and to send their testimony and their Briefings to help prepare humanity."

  • Protecting Yourself from the Intervention 3/17/11

"You have allies in the universe though they are not visiting your world, for humanity is not ready to establish relations with other nations in the universe."

  • Facing a Greater Community of Life, Life in the Universe Chapter 1

"Your allies will not come to save you. They will not mount an effort to come and save you. They will not betray the secrecy in which they live. They will not enter warfare with other nations on your behalf and thus destroy everything it has taken for them to develop and to secure their anonymity in the universe."

  • The Power of Knowledge, Life in the Universe chapter 10

Long Quotes

"Humanity has allies abroad in your vicinity of space, who understand your plight and who value the fact that humanity has kept religion and spirituality alive in the world, and that the human family shows a greater promise – a promise that has been lost by so many advancing races in the Universe."

  • The Importance of the Greater Community 12/11/09

"Humanity has a few allies and many competitors. But it is important for you to understand that your allies will not come here to defend the world, for they too must live with great discretion. And they realize, because they are intelligent and wise, that they cannot control the world, and if they attempted to do so, it would only lead to domination. That is why no free race is in the world today interfering in human affairs."

  • Preparing for the Greater Community 4/22/10

"Your allies abroad will only seek to alert you to the presence of the Intervention and to teach you some vital and important things about life in the universe around you. But they cannot prepare you for the Greater Community. They are only playing a very small part in this."

  • Preparing for the Greater Community 4/22/10

"Only your potential allies in space do not seek advantage here. Their interest is largely geared toward their own security and their natural inclination to serve a talented and gifted race such as humanity."

  • Your Relationships in the Greater Community, Life in the Universe chapter 14

"The Creator of all life is creating and sending a New Revelation. And you have allies in the universe who are not allowed to interfere with your world, but who have sent information in the form of a set of Briefings to help prepare humanity to learn how to establish its own rules of engagement with intelligent life and to emphasize the need to establish your own ethics of contact."

  • Your Relationships in the Greater Community, Life in the Universe chapter 14

"When you read the Briefings that have been sent from the allies of humanity, you can recognize the intention behind their communications. It is inspiring. Even though their message is difficult to receive and may frighten your mind, it is inspiring because of the Knowledge that it represents and the high regard for humanity this represents."

  • The Power of Knowledge, Life in the Universe chapter 10

"That is why the allies of humanity are seeking to encourage the preservation of freedom and the awareness of a deeper Knowledge within the human family. They want to have other free nations in their region of space, not because they are in love with humanity as much as for their own stability and security. They have a natural interest in promoting freedom in the universe, and to have another free society in their general vicinity is of great importance to them. They also see the value and the potential for humanity to evolve into a very magnificent race where individual capabilities and the benefit to society have great advantages."

  • Families and Genetic Manipulation, Life in the Universe chapter 6

Direct Contact Attempt

"Many years ago, there was an attempt on our part to reach him directly. He was called to a location in a mountainous area and was prepared for his contact with us. Several members of our party made the dangerous journey into this world, but unfortunately their mission was never completed. Once they were discovered by the Intervention, they had to destroy themselves and their craft, leaving no evidence behind of our presence in the world. This marked a great failure. And the loss of four very precious individuals. There are only five of us left now. And we again are facing great danger."