Quotes About Spiritual practice
“Spiritual practices for learning and living The Way of Knowledge are presented in Steps to Knowledge. When you are ready to have a real practice in life, a practice you can carry into all of your activities, then you can begin to take the steps to Knowledge. Practicing will lead you one step at a time, to bring your mind into harmony with Knowledge and to teach you a way of seeing the world as the world really is. It will provide a means of escape from the conventional myths and falsities that condition humanity and have led it astray.”
- Living the Way of Knowledge, Chapter 6
“You are undertaking an Ancient Rite in the reclamation of Knowledge. Born of the Great Will of the Universe, this preparation has been constructed for the advancement of students of Knowledge. You are working in tandem now with many other individuals, both within this world and within other worlds as well. For Knowledge is being taught in all worlds where intelligent life exists.”
“Receive the benefit of all who practice with you. Remind yourself that you are not alone and that their rewards are given to you as your rewards are given to them. Thus, you share in your accomplishments together.The power of your undertaking is so tremendously supported by the endeavor and the giving of others that it far exceeds your own abilities.When this is realized, it will give you all manner of encouragement and will banish forever the idea that you are inadequate to the tasks that are given to you. For your giving is supplemented by the giving of others, and this represents the Will of God in the universe.” Steps to Knowledge, Step 170