The Greater Community

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The world is emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life. Humanity is unprepared. God has sent the preparation.

What is the Greater Community?

The Greater Community is the environment in which you live. It includes your world and all the worlds in its vicinity. It is a vast region of space where intelligent life is interacting with each other, representing a great network of relationships between societies and between individuals in societies, a greater cosmology and a greater universe. For this, it is necessary to have a greater perspective, a greater understanding and a greater religion.

  • Greater Community Spirituality, Chp 6, p 57

God's Creation

"The physical universe is but a small part of God’s Creation. But this remains for you to learn, and you have a greater journey and a destiny here. But you have to allow your mind to expand, your eyes to open and your ears to hear if you are to gain this greater preparation and understanding."

  • The New God 2/12/09

"...countless races of beings ... live within this Greater Community of intelligent life that comprises the physical Universe in which we live[,] ... all experiencing evolution."

  • What Is Creation? 2/4/07

Life in the Greater Community

"Outright warfare in the Greater Community, particularly on any kind of large scale, is extremely rare, particularly amongst secure and advanced nations."

  • Chapter 7: Competition, Influence and the Mental Environment, Life in the Universe

"Humanity has evolved in a state of relative isolation, relative because the world has been visited throughout its history, particularly with the advent of humanity."

  • Contact with Intelligent Life in the Universe 10/1/08

"The larger neighborhood of life into which you will emerge, and the forces that you may encounter there, are not inordinately interested in humanity. They do not share humanity’s values. They are not human or even human-like in most cases. But they do share the difficulties of living within a physical reality—difficulties of security and securing resources, the difficulties of competition and all of the inherent problems that civilization poses despite its many benefits."

  • Humanity's Emergence into the Greater Community 7/19/08

"Your preparation for the Greater Community represents the greatest and most vital education that can be fostered and extended in the world today. This education is the only thing that will enable you to solve the growing global problems of the world that seem so overwhelming and that your societies seem so incapable of facing and so poorly equipped to resolve."

  • Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 6: What Is the Greater Community?

"The Universe is full of life. But the Universe is immense. And intelligent life living in the physical manifestation is scattered about a great and vast arena. It is concentrated in some places more than others.... Between these areas of great congregation in the Universe, there are trade routes, great roads that are heavily traveled.... Your world exists in an area of congregation, an area that has many inhabited worlds.... beyond your Solar System.

  • The Allies of Humanity II, The First Briefing: The Universe into Which You Are Emerging

"Because the Greater Community, especially the area in which you live, is a very competitive environment and because there are many Collectives dwelling here, they tend to hold each other in check and will take legal action against one another if necessary should the basic rules of conduct be violated. Therefore, if one Collective sought to take this world by force, it would be countered by other Collectives who have an intereest in this world and by their competitors elsewhere, who would hold these kinds of actions in check."

"The region in which you live ... contains approximately five thousand stars. We call this a region because that is how it is delineated."

  • The Allies of Humanity II, The Fourth Briefing: The Collectives


"It is as if humanity were a little child coming out of its house for the first time and recognizing it lives in a big city controlled by powerful forces that the little child cannot understand."

  • Humanity's Emergence into the Greater Community 7/19/08

"You are like villagers in a distant forest who all of a sudden find themselves in the midst of greater interactions between exploring and invading nations. Your village will never be the same."

  • Greater Community Spirituality, chapter 11: What Is Your Preparation for?

"It would be like different European nations finding the same rich tropical island hundreds of years ago. They would compete for it because they want it for themselves. And they would want to use the native people, but they are not there for the native people's benefit."

  • Living the Way of Knowledge, Chapter 11: Preparing for the Future