Wiki standards
Here are the basic standards for posting and editing in the wiki. Discussion and questions are in the discussion page.
Quotation Marks
All direct quotes should be wrapped in quotation marks, to differentiate them from paraphrases or summaries. If the material is more than one paragraph, use opening quotation marks for each paragraph but closing quotation marks only at the end. Or combine the paragraphs into a single one if it makes it more readable.
Capitalization, punctuation and square brackets
Punctuation and capitalization should be edited as needed for clarity, so long as it does not corrupt the meaning of message. There is no need to put [S]quare brackets on a capitalization, and probably not for ellipses to prematurely end a sentence... However, please do use ellipses to remove segments from the middle of a quote. eg. "God has... spoken again."
Quote size
All quotations should be as brief as possible: two paragraphs maximum.
Original writing
Please avoid all original writing for now. However, members of the Society will be writing summaries or blurbs on some pages, so please do not delete those.
Outside material
Outside material should kept to a bare minimum, carefully sourced, directly (and helpfully) supporting a statement from the New Message, and not in violation of copyrights.
New pages
Every page should be a topic, a subject, referred to in the New Message. The clearer and more direct, the better. There are a few exceptions: common questions, the feeds page, and this one, for example.
Optimal page layout
Personal Testimony
Personal testimony should not live on the New Message Wiki. If it is relevant, it can be linked to or referred to on another web site.