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== Short Quotes ==
"[[Humanity]] is facing the loss of its [[freedom]] and sovereignty in this world to intervening forces from the Universe."
They want humanity to believe in them and to serve them. They want humanity to work for them. They will promise anything, offer anything and do anything to achieve this goal.
<ref>''God Has Spoken Again'', Chapter 1: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/god-spoken-again/the-proclamation The Proclamation]</ref>
*The Allies of Humanity, Book One, The Second Briefing
They (the Intervention) will not teach power in the Mental Environment, for they do not want humanity to have this power unless it is completely controlled by them.
"Though the visitors have a superior [[technology]], the success of their entire mission rests upon their ability to persuade and to encourage human allegiance. You have the power to resist this. You have the power to see through the deception."<ref name="aohii3"/>
*The Allies of Humanity, Book Two, The Third Briefing, p. 29
The fact is that very few people are even aware of an extraterrestrial presence in the world, and even amongst them, very few recognize it as an Intervention, as a danger and as a hazard for humanity.
[[File:paisley.jpg|right|As Above, So Below]]
*The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 13, p. 178-179
Humanity is facing the loss of its freedom and sovereignty in this world to intervening forces from the Universe.
== Directives ==
*The Proclamation
== Long Quotes ==
"You must resist the Intervention. You must recognize it is nothing more than competition from beyond the world. You must not be fooled by its promises of wealth and [[power]] and [[freedom]]. You must not become dejected or resign yourself, thinking that you have no power in this matter, for humanity has the great advantage."
<ref name="rti"/>
"The Allies of Humanity Briefings and the Teaching in the New Message together will provide you a clear understanding, and it will be an understanding that you will be able to comprehend easily because it reflects the lessons of nature and the lessons of your own history in this world―the lessons of intervention, the lessons of competition in nature and what peoples and nations must do to become free from intervention, in this case an intervention into the minds and the hearts of people."
"Do not accept trinkets from space, for you will undermine your freedom in the process. Nothing really important will be given to humanity in this regard by those who are intervening in your world. They are seeking to create dependency and [[addiction]]. This gives them power and leverage, even in their small numbers, over a much larger human family that is unsuspecting and that can be easily persuaded."
*Protecting Yourself from the Intervention 3/17/11
<ref name="aoh3-2"/>
"Any human mind can be interfered with, and its understanding can be extracted by those intervening forces in [[the world]] now. Therefore, you must understand the importance of [[discretion]]. That is why it is one of the three requirements for establishing and maintaining freedom in the universe: unity, [[self-sufficiency]] and discretion. You are only at the beginning of learning about the power of the [[Mental Environment]]. You are only beginning to learn how other races can gain access to human [[wisdom]] and understanding. You are only beginning to realize how much your freedom will have to be guarded and protected if it is to be sustained in a universe where freedom is rare."
<ref name="aoh3-7">''The Allies of Humanity, Book Three'', Seventh Briefing: [http://alliesofhumanity.org/questions-about-aliens/ Questions & Answers]</ref>
"Do not think that your subjugation represents your [[destiny]]. Do not believe that another race will come and govern you with wisdom and [[compassion]]. Do not think that gaining ever higher levels of [[technology]] will assure you any greater advantage in the Greater Community. Beyond the requirements of establishing your unity, your self-sufficiency and your discretion, technology becomes ever more hazardous. It begins to work against everything you have created for yourself."
<ref name="aoh3-6"/>
"It is your evolution to emerge into a Greater Community of intelligent life. It will happen whether you are prepared or not. It must occur. Preparation, then, becomes the key. Understanding and clarity--these are the things that are necessary and needed in your world at this time.
People everywhere have great spiritual gifts that can enable them to see and to know clearly. These gifts are needed now. They need to be recognized, employed and shared freely."
<ref name="aohi1"/>
== The ethics of contact ==
"Who from [[the Greater Community]] will think that your well-being is a priority when you are spoiling the very world you live in, which is considered an asset for the whole Greater Community?"
<ref name="lwk9">''Living The Way of Knowledge'', Chapter 9: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-3/living-way-knowledge/sharing-the-way-of-knowledge-with-others Sharing The Way of Knowledge with Others]</ref>
"You cannot plunder the [[Earth]] without bringing yourself to a devastated state, a state that can be easily taken over by others in the universe. While outright conquest of your world is not permitted in this region of space, other nations are free to intervene under two conditions: first, if the native peoples of your world appear to others to welcome intervention and to not resist it; and, second, if humanity were to fall into a truly deprived and declined state. Under the second set of circumstances, other nations would be free to come and take the world for themselves, using humanity as a resource for their own ends."
<ref name="aoh3-2"/>
"Terrestrial planets create biological hazards for visitors. And that is why colonization is usually attempted once the native race has either established a usable network that the visitors can use, such as is the case here on Earth, or have destroyed themselves through conflict and war, leaving an open door for intervention to occur, even military intervention. [[Military]] intervention is allowed in this region of space under such conditions. This represents part of the ethics of contact that are assumed and are practiced by many nations in this part of the Greater Community."
<ref name="aoh3-7"/>
== The timing of the Intervention ==
"The [[wealth]] of the world is being spoiled and ruined, and the threat of this increasing has brought this Intervention here. It has also come because humanity has created an infrastructure that these races can utilize for themselves. You now have a worldwide community, worldwide communications, worldwide commerce and the beginnings of a worldwide [[government]]."
<ref>''The Greater Community'', Chapter 8: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/greater-community/preparing-for-the-greater-community Preparing for the Greater Community]</ref>
"As resources decline within this world, and as economic and political instability increases, the offerings of the Intervention will become ever more persuasive, yet what it is offering is your own demise—the loss of human freedom, your dependence upon foreign technology and foreign power."
<ref name="rti">''The Greater Darkness'': [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-5/the-greater-darkness/foreign-powers-beyond-world Resisting the Intervention]</ref>
"There is intervention from the universe beyond you because those who value this world for themselves recognize what is taking place. They have tested the atmosphere of the world. They understand what humanity has done to pollute its air, its waters and its soils. For this has happened countless times in the universe. It is well understood there."
<ref>''The New World'', Chapter 3: [http://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/new-world/the-global-emergency The Global Emergency]</ref>
"The Intervention has been functioning here with little human resistance for many decades. Its plans are now in a mature phase, waiting to exploit human weakness, human division, human superstition and human expectation to their own advantage to gain control of the world and the world's precious resources. Their goal is not to eliminate humanity but to use humanity as a workforce, as a subservient workforce, to maintain the appearance of normalcy as long as possible while the power and authority over the world has shifted to foreign powers." <ref name="pyfti"/>
"As humanity faces greater
and greater instability and faces the temptation of conflict and war, this Intervention
will gain in strength. Its promises of peace and power will become
ever more seductive. It will take many more people against their will, turning
them against the human family, turning them against the Knowledge that
God has placed within them, turning them against themselves. While humanity
is fighting and struggling down here on Earth, other forces are here to
take advantage of its predicaments, its ignorance and its superstitions."
<ref name="rti"/>
"Intervention is occurring now because you are destroying this invaluable asset, this beautiful world; because you have produced technology that others can use; and because those who seek to intervene do not want to see you become more powerful that you are today. This is their opportunity, and they will take advantage of it--generating human conflict, weakening the strongest nations, pitting nations against one another to weaken them and to make them more dependent upon the presence that is now amongst them, a presence from the Greater Community." <ref>[https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/new-world/what-will-save-humanity What Will Save Humanity] (March 30, 2008)</ref>
== The need for human participation in the Intervention ==
"You now have a global [[civilization]]—diffracted, conflicted, destructive, heedless and irresponsible, but it is a world community nonetheless. You have global [[communication]]. You have global commerce. And for many people, a growing global awareness. It is at this point that intervention will be attempted. It is at this point that humanity becomes a prize to be claimed. Those who will come here and are here already cannot live in the biologically complex world that you inhabit and to which you are adapted. They need human assistance. They need human allegiance. They need human participation in order to gain sovereignty and control here."
<ref name="etgc">''The Greater Community'', Chapter 4: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/greater-community/human-unity Entering the Greater Community]</ref>
== The nature of the extraterrestrial Intervention ==
"In this region of space, [[war]] is suppressed and outright conquest
is not allowed. If a nation wishes to gain advantage and influence
in another world, such as in an emerging world like your own, they
must use more subtle means and employ other agents to carry out
such an intervention."<ref>''The Greater Community'', Chapter 5: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/greater-community/who-are-the-allies-of-humanity? Who Are the Allies of Humanity?]</ref>
"They want humanity to believe in them and to serve them. They want humanity to work for them. They will promise anything, offer anything and do anything to achieve this goal."
<ref name="aohi1">''The Allies of Humanity Book One'', First Briefing: [http://alliesofhumanity.org/alien-races-earth/ The Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today]</ref>
"Great inducement is being placed upon the world. It has many
avenues of expression and emphasis. Yet it is all aimed at one goal—
to move humanity to a position of trust, allegiance and subservience
to the Intervention itself. This completely conceals the real nature of
the occupation that is being attempted in your world. This occupation
will become easily recognized once it is fully established, yet by
then it will be too late for you to offset its influences without great
struggle and sacrifice. Therefore, we urge you and strongly encourage you to place
this phenomenon at the forefront of your awareness and attention.
You have time to stop the Intervention. It can be stopped."
<ref name="aohii3"/>
"Amongst those races who seek to gain dominance here, there is a competition, a competition for influence—a kind of subtle attempt at conquest to make humanity weak and dependent, to encourage human conflict secretly so that humanity never gains security or stability, thus requiring it to reach out to foreign powers and to accept whatever inducements these foreign powers might offer you."
"Amongst those races who seek to gain dominance here, there is a competition, a competition for influence—a kind of subtle attempt at conquest to make humanity weak and dependent, to encourage human conflict secretly so that humanity never gains security or stability, thus requiring it to reach out to foreign powers and to accept whatever inducements these foreign powers might offer you."
*Technology and Stability, Life in the Universe chapter 5
<ref>''Life in the Universe'', Chapter 5: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-4/life-universe/stability-security Technology and the Different Paths to Stability]</ref>
"They will take advantage of your expectations, your desires, your fantasies and your grievances to establish this position for themselves. Look at the history of intervention in your world. Look how easily native peoples succumbed to the presence of foreign intervention. This must not be your [[fate]]."
<ref name="etgc"/>
"While the Intervention will present itself to its believers and its advocates as a benign and spiritual force, in reality it will be supporting the very forces that undermine humanity’s integrity, its unity and its self-confidence. The Intervention will undermine people’s belief and confidence in their leaders and their institutions, thus fostering a vacuum of confidence that can easily be shifted to a foreign power that is presenting itself as a benign and advanced race."
<ref>''The Allies of Humanity'' Book Three, Third Briefing: [https://www.alliesofhumanity.org/alien-intervention/ The Tools of the Intervention]</ref>
"In a manner of speaking, humanity is under siege though perhaps this
seems too strong a word because the activities of the Visitors seem so subtle and invasive.
But given the results of this intervention, the word “siege” here really is appropriate. If you try to
help another nation that is under siege and you want to remain hidden, then you have to protect
yourself and your sources and communicate in such a way that the message can be dispensed
effectively with a minimum of risk of the information being destroyed or corrupted in any way.
This is why the message is being given to one person." <ref name="UTI">Understanding the Intervention (February 25, 2000)</ref>
...the calling must be for the individual now, for the world will need many saviors, many guided and inspired individuals, or human civilization could fail, and that failure could be the most terrible thing that could happen to the human family.
== Hazards ==
You would surely fall under the domination of foreign powers in the universe.
"They will not teach power in the [[Mental Environment]], for they do not want humanity to have this power unless it is completely controlled by them."<ref name="aohii3">The Allies of Humanity Book Two, [http://alliesofhumanity.org/the-influence-upon-humanity/ Third Briefing: The Influence upon Humanity]</ref>
Such powers are watching you, listening to you, planning to carry out their activities through devious and subtle means.
"The fact is that very few people are even aware of an extraterrestrial presence in the world, and even amongst them, very few recognize it as an Intervention, as a danger and as a hazard for humanity."
*The Voice of the Revelation (April 14, 2011)
<ref>The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 13: [http://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-4/great-waves-change/a-new-message-of-hope A New Message of Hope]</ref>
=Resisting the Intervention=
==Short Quotes==
It is your evolution to emerge into a Greater Community of intelligent life. It will happen whether you are prepared or not. It must occur. Preparation, then, becomes the key. Understanding and clarity - these are the things that are necessary and needed in your world at this time.
People everywhere have great spiritual gifts that can enable them to see and to know clearly. These gifts are needed now. They need to be recognized, employed and shared freely.
*The Allies of Humanity, Book One, The First Briefing, p. 13
Though the visitors have a superior technology, the success of their entire mission rests upon their ability to persuade and to encourage human allegiance. You have the power to resist this. You have the power to see through the deception.
== Aspects of the intervening races ==
*The Allies of Humanity, Book Two, The Third Briefing, p. 40
==Long Quotes==
"There are great spiritual powers in the universe, but do not confuse them with those who are intervening in your world, or you will make a critical and perhaps fatal error in [[judgment]]."
"This Group Mind process of course is being used throughout the world in leadership circles in government and religion and commerce, but rarely is Knowledge their guide, and rarely do they employ seers. Humanity just has not reached this level of sophistication yet. So regarding your position in the Greater Community, humanity is at a disadvantage here.
<ref name="aoh3-6"/>
"Its strength, your strength, is that religion has been kept alive in the world. The recognition of God’s power and presence is honored and recognized by many, whereas in most nations in this region of space, religion has either become worship of the state or has disappeared altogether.
"You will encounter races in the universe within whose populations compassion is not
shown towards one another. Their people have become more like machines—governed,
controlled and directed, with very little thought or feeling for themselves or for one
another. This is common. This is one of the directions a race can take to establish stability
and security. It is not the direction your allies have taken. They have charted a very
different course for their peoples and for their future."
<ref name="aoh3-4">''The Allies of Humanity Book Three'', Fourth Briefing: [http://alliesofhumanity.org/hidden-powers/ Hidden Powers]</ref>
"Here you have an advantage because even the ancient pathways of religion offer the experience of Knowledge. Perhaps this is not emphasized. Perhaps this is not specified in the Teachings, but the individual is encouraged to have a relationship with the Divine and to be responsive to the Divine in most situations.
== Human sovereignty ==
"But the religions of the world today cannot prepare humanity for the Greater Community. They are entirely anthropocentric in nature. They are grounded in ancient history. They can barely be relevant in the modern world. They are struggling to do so. They cannot prepare humanity for the great change that is coming to the world and for humanity’s encounter with a universe full of intelligent life."
*Group Mind 3/18/11
"Do not ever think that this world is owned by anyone else, that any other race in the universe has rights to this world or has any special privilege for visiting this world or can make any claims of ownership to this world or any claims of authorship for human [[evolution]].
...humanity does have the power and the skill to stop the Intervention and to prevent future interventions of this kind. You have the inherent Knowledge that lives within you. This is what we mean by spirituality. You have enough individual power and enough technology to offset the kind of intervention that is occurring in your world at this time. You could drive the Intervention out if you had the will to do it. But you must become educated about the Greater Community, and you must be very clear and sober about what you are dealing with at this time.
This is your planet of origin. It has been given to you by [[the Creator]] of the universe with the [[hope]] and the desire that you would prosper here and maintain this world as the precious resource that it is. It has been given so that it may sustain you through your difficult phases of development and so that it may sustain you as you emerge into a Greater Community of intelligent life, where such worlds of biological diversity are rare."<ref name="aoh3-2">''The Allies of Humanity Book Three'', Second Briefing: [http://alliesofhumanity.org/requirements-freedom-universe/ The Requirements for Freedom in the Universe] </ref></blockquote>
*The Allies of Humanity, Book Two, The Fourth Breifing, p. 55
"Humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of life in the universe because others are here to seek influence and domination of a world of great value and importance."
"There is no race that is shepherding humanity as if you were the children and they were the parents. Yet you have potential allies whom you may engage with in the future, if ever you are to establish and maintain the three requirements for freedom that we have mentioned."
<ref name="aoh3-6">''The Allies of Humanity Book Three'', Sixth Briefing: [http://alliesofhumanity.org/Life-Beyond-Earth/ Greater Community Realities]</ref>
"But the people do not see."
== Resisting the Intervention ==
"They do not hear."
"The Intervention and the growing chaos in the world will strengthen your commitment to [[Knowledge]] and your preparation. God has given the [[preparation]]. There is no other way to prepare." <ref>Marshall Vian Summers, [https://www.community.newmessage.org/study/ The Free School of the New Message] Campfire Chat, December 13, 2013</ref>
*The Recitation (April 1, 2011)
"Many people in the world are awaiting the return of their Savior, their [[Maitreya]] or their [[Imam]]. But God has sent a [[New Revelation|New Message]] into the world, a Message to prepare humanity for the great change that is coming here and for its encounter with intelligent life in the universe, an encounter that will be far more precarious and dangerous than most people truly recognize."
<ref>''The New Messenger'', Chapter 1: [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-1/new-messenger/the-will-of-heaven The Will of Heaven] (May 17, 2011)</ref>
"The [[calling]] must be for the individual now, for the world will need many saviors, many guided and inspired individuals, or human civilization could fail, and that failure could be the most terrible thing that could happen to the human family. You would surely fall under the domination of foreign powers in the universe. Such powers are watching you, listening to you, planning to carry out their activities through devious and subtle means."
<ref>[https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/other-revelations/the-voice-of-the-revelation The Voice of the Revelation] (April 14, 2011)</ref>
"Humanity does not recognize its advantage in living in a highly populated region of space where [[military]] conquest is not allowed and where [[war]] and [[violence]] are rare. You do not realize the advantage this gives you. If you raise your voice against the Intervention, it is put at risk. If you oppose the Intervention, if enough people can do this, the Intervention must withdraw."
<ref name="aohii3"/>
"Humanity does have the power and the skill to stop the Intervention and to prevent future interventions of this kind. You have the inherent Knowledge that lives within you. This is what we mean by spirituality. You have enough individual power and enough technology to offset the kind of intervention that is occurring in your world at this time. You could drive the Intervention out if you had the will to do it. But you must become educated about the Greater Community, and you must be very clear and sober about what you are dealing with at this time."
<ref>''The Allies of Humanity Book Two'', Fourth Briefing: [http://alliesofhumanity.org/collectives-in-universe/ The Collectives]</ref>
== The Preparation ==
"With a Greater Community perspective, you are able to see your situation not with [[anger]] and condemnation, but with clarity and perspective. You will be able to assess humanity’s advances and its shortcomings in light of [[the Greater Community]]. Humanity has never compared itself with other intelligent life, so it does not know how strong or weak it really is."
<ref name="lwk9"/>
"The Allies of Humanity Briefings and the Teaching in the New Message together will provide you a clear understanding, and it will be an understanding that you will be able to comprehend easily because it reflects the lessons of nature and the lessons of your own history in this world―the lessons of intervention, the lessons of competition in [[nature]] and what peoples and nations must do to become free from intervention, in this case an intervention into the minds and the hearts of people."
<ref name="pyfti">''The Greater Darkness'': [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/other-revelations/protecting-yourself-from-the-intervention Protecting Yourself from the Intervention]</ref>
== See also ==
== See also ==
[["Divide and conquer" strategy]]
[[Extraterrestrial Contact]]
[[Indigenous reservations]]
[[Intervention deceptions]]
[[Native peoples]]
[["Prison planet"]]
[[The Greater Darkness]]
[[The Greater Darkness]]
[[The Pacification Program]]
[[This time]]
[[Warfare in the Greater Community]]
==Further study==
*[http://www.alliesofhumanity.org The Briefings from the Allies of Humanity]
*[http://www.humansovereignty.org The Declaration of Human Sovereignty]
*''The Greater Darkness'': [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/volume-5/the-greater-darkness/foreign-powers-beyond-world Resisting the Intervention]
*''The Greater Darkness'': [https://www.newmessage.org/the-message/other-revelations/protecting-yourself-from-the-intervention Protecting Yourself from the Intervention]
[[category:The Intervention]]
[[category:the Greater Community]]

Latest revision as of 01:34, 12 July 2022

"Humanity is facing the loss of its freedom and sovereignty in this world to intervening forces from the Universe." [1]

"Though the visitors have a superior technology, the success of their entire mission rests upon their ability to persuade and to encourage human allegiance. You have the power to resist this. You have the power to see through the deception."[2]

As Above, So Below


"You must resist the Intervention. You must recognize it is nothing more than competition from beyond the world. You must not be fooled by its promises of wealth and power and freedom. You must not become dejected or resign yourself, thinking that you have no power in this matter, for humanity has the great advantage." [3]

"Do not accept trinkets from space, for you will undermine your freedom in the process. Nothing really important will be given to humanity in this regard by those who are intervening in your world. They are seeking to create dependency and addiction. This gives them power and leverage, even in their small numbers, over a much larger human family that is unsuspecting and that can be easily persuaded." [4]

"Any human mind can be interfered with, and its understanding can be extracted by those intervening forces in the world now. Therefore, you must understand the importance of discretion. That is why it is one of the three requirements for establishing and maintaining freedom in the universe: unity, self-sufficiency and discretion. You are only at the beginning of learning about the power of the Mental Environment. You are only beginning to learn how other races can gain access to human wisdom and understanding. You are only beginning to realize how much your freedom will have to be guarded and protected if it is to be sustained in a universe where freedom is rare." [5]

"Do not think that your subjugation represents your destiny. Do not believe that another race will come and govern you with wisdom and compassion. Do not think that gaining ever higher levels of technology will assure you any greater advantage in the Greater Community. Beyond the requirements of establishing your unity, your self-sufficiency and your discretion, technology becomes ever more hazardous. It begins to work against everything you have created for yourself." [6]

"It is your evolution to emerge into a Greater Community of intelligent life. It will happen whether you are prepared or not. It must occur. Preparation, then, becomes the key. Understanding and clarity--these are the things that are necessary and needed in your world at this time. People everywhere have great spiritual gifts that can enable them to see and to know clearly. These gifts are needed now. They need to be recognized, employed and shared freely." [7]

The ethics of contact

"Who from the Greater Community will think that your well-being is a priority when you are spoiling the very world you live in, which is considered an asset for the whole Greater Community?" [8]

"You cannot plunder the Earth without bringing yourself to a devastated state, a state that can be easily taken over by others in the universe. While outright conquest of your world is not permitted in this region of space, other nations are free to intervene under two conditions: first, if the native peoples of your world appear to others to welcome intervention and to not resist it; and, second, if humanity were to fall into a truly deprived and declined state. Under the second set of circumstances, other nations would be free to come and take the world for themselves, using humanity as a resource for their own ends." [4]

"Terrestrial planets create biological hazards for visitors. And that is why colonization is usually attempted once the native race has either established a usable network that the visitors can use, such as is the case here on Earth, or have destroyed themselves through conflict and war, leaving an open door for intervention to occur, even military intervention. Military intervention is allowed in this region of space under such conditions. This represents part of the ethics of contact that are assumed and are practiced by many nations in this part of the Greater Community." [5]

The timing of the Intervention

"The wealth of the world is being spoiled and ruined, and the threat of this increasing has brought this Intervention here. It has also come because humanity has created an infrastructure that these races can utilize for themselves. You now have a worldwide community, worldwide communications, worldwide commerce and the beginnings of a worldwide government." [9]

"As resources decline within this world, and as economic and political instability increases, the offerings of the Intervention will become ever more persuasive, yet what it is offering is your own demise—the loss of human freedom, your dependence upon foreign technology and foreign power." [3]

"There is intervention from the universe beyond you because those who value this world for themselves recognize what is taking place. They have tested the atmosphere of the world. They understand what humanity has done to pollute its air, its waters and its soils. For this has happened countless times in the universe. It is well understood there." [10]

"The Intervention has been functioning here with little human resistance for many decades. Its plans are now in a mature phase, waiting to exploit human weakness, human division, human superstition and human expectation to their own advantage to gain control of the world and the world's precious resources. Their goal is not to eliminate humanity but to use humanity as a workforce, as a subservient workforce, to maintain the appearance of normalcy as long as possible while the power and authority over the world has shifted to foreign powers." [11]

"As humanity faces greater and greater instability and faces the temptation of conflict and war, this Intervention will gain in strength. Its promises of peace and power will become ever more seductive. It will take many more people against their will, turning them against the human family, turning them against the Knowledge that God has placed within them, turning them against themselves. While humanity is fighting and struggling down here on Earth, other forces are here to take advantage of its predicaments, its ignorance and its superstitions." [3]

"Intervention is occurring now because you are destroying this invaluable asset, this beautiful world; because you have produced technology that others can use; and because those who seek to intervene do not want to see you become more powerful that you are today. This is their opportunity, and they will take advantage of it--generating human conflict, weakening the strongest nations, pitting nations against one another to weaken them and to make them more dependent upon the presence that is now amongst them, a presence from the Greater Community." [12]

The need for human participation in the Intervention

"You now have a global civilization—diffracted, conflicted, destructive, heedless and irresponsible, but it is a world community nonetheless. You have global communication. You have global commerce. And for many people, a growing global awareness. It is at this point that intervention will be attempted. It is at this point that humanity becomes a prize to be claimed. Those who will come here and are here already cannot live in the biologically complex world that you inhabit and to which you are adapted. They need human assistance. They need human allegiance. They need human participation in order to gain sovereignty and control here." [13]

The nature of the extraterrestrial Intervention


"In this region of space, war is suppressed and outright conquest is not allowed. If a nation wishes to gain advantage and influence in another world, such as in an emerging world like your own, they must use more subtle means and employ other agents to carry out such an intervention."[14]

"They want humanity to believe in them and to serve them. They want humanity to work for them. They will promise anything, offer anything and do anything to achieve this goal." [7]

"Great inducement is being placed upon the world. It has many avenues of expression and emphasis. Yet it is all aimed at one goal— to move humanity to a position of trust, allegiance and subservience to the Intervention itself. This completely conceals the real nature of the occupation that is being attempted in your world. This occupation will become easily recognized once it is fully established, yet by then it will be too late for you to offset its influences without great struggle and sacrifice. Therefore, we urge you and strongly encourage you to place this phenomenon at the forefront of your awareness and attention. You have time to stop the Intervention. It can be stopped." [2]

"Amongst those races who seek to gain dominance here, there is a competition, a competition for influence—a kind of subtle attempt at conquest to make humanity weak and dependent, to encourage human conflict secretly so that humanity never gains security or stability, thus requiring it to reach out to foreign powers and to accept whatever inducements these foreign powers might offer you." [15]

"They will take advantage of your expectations, your desires, your fantasies and your grievances to establish this position for themselves. Look at the history of intervention in your world. Look how easily native peoples succumbed to the presence of foreign intervention. This must not be your fate." [13]

"While the Intervention will present itself to its believers and its advocates as a benign and spiritual force, in reality it will be supporting the very forces that undermine humanity’s integrity, its unity and its self-confidence. The Intervention will undermine people’s belief and confidence in their leaders and their institutions, thus fostering a vacuum of confidence that can easily be shifted to a foreign power that is presenting itself as a benign and advanced race." [16]

"In a manner of speaking, humanity is under siege though perhaps this seems too strong a word because the activities of the Visitors seem so subtle and invasive. But given the results of this intervention, the word “siege” here really is appropriate. If you try to help another nation that is under siege and you want to remain hidden, then you have to protect yourself and your sources and communicate in such a way that the message can be dispensed effectively with a minimum of risk of the information being destroyed or corrupted in any way. This is why the message is being given to one person." [17]


"They will not teach power in the Mental Environment, for they do not want humanity to have this power unless it is completely controlled by them."[2]

"The fact is that very few people are even aware of an extraterrestrial presence in the world, and even amongst them, very few recognize it as an Intervention, as a danger and as a hazard for humanity." [18]


Aspects of the intervening races

"There are great spiritual powers in the universe, but do not confuse them with those who are intervening in your world, or you will make a critical and perhaps fatal error in judgment." [6]

"You will encounter races in the universe within whose populations compassion is not shown towards one another. Their people have become more like machines—governed, controlled and directed, with very little thought or feeling for themselves or for one another. This is common. This is one of the directions a race can take to establish stability and security. It is not the direction your allies have taken. They have charted a very different course for their peoples and for their future." [19]

Human sovereignty

"Do not ever think that this world is owned by anyone else, that any other race in the universe has rights to this world or has any special privilege for visiting this world or can make any claims of ownership to this world or any claims of authorship for human evolution.

This is your planet of origin. It has been given to you by the Creator of the universe with the hope and the desire that you would prosper here and maintain this world as the precious resource that it is. It has been given so that it may sustain you through your difficult phases of development and so that it may sustain you as you emerge into a Greater Community of intelligent life, where such worlds of biological diversity are rare."[4]

"There is no race that is shepherding humanity as if you were the children and they were the parents. Yet you have potential allies whom you may engage with in the future, if ever you are to establish and maintain the three requirements for freedom that we have mentioned." [6]

Resisting the Intervention

"The Intervention and the growing chaos in the world will strengthen your commitment to Knowledge and your preparation. God has given the preparation. There is no other way to prepare." [20]

"Many people in the world are awaiting the return of their Savior, their Maitreya or their Imam. But God has sent a New Message into the world, a Message to prepare humanity for the great change that is coming here and for its encounter with intelligent life in the universe, an encounter that will be far more precarious and dangerous than most people truly recognize." [21]

"The calling must be for the individual now, for the world will need many saviors, many guided and inspired individuals, or human civilization could fail, and that failure could be the most terrible thing that could happen to the human family. You would surely fall under the domination of foreign powers in the universe. Such powers are watching you, listening to you, planning to carry out their activities through devious and subtle means." [22]

"Humanity does not recognize its advantage in living in a highly populated region of space where military conquest is not allowed and where war and violence are rare. You do not realize the advantage this gives you. If you raise your voice against the Intervention, it is put at risk. If you oppose the Intervention, if enough people can do this, the Intervention must withdraw." [2]

"Humanity does have the power and the skill to stop the Intervention and to prevent future interventions of this kind. You have the inherent Knowledge that lives within you. This is what we mean by spirituality. You have enough individual power and enough technology to offset the kind of intervention that is occurring in your world at this time. You could drive the Intervention out if you had the will to do it. But you must become educated about the Greater Community, and you must be very clear and sober about what you are dealing with at this time." [23]

The Preparation

"With a Greater Community perspective, you are able to see your situation not with anger and condemnation, but with clarity and perspective. You will be able to assess humanity’s advances and its shortcomings in light of the Greater Community. Humanity has never compared itself with other intelligent life, so it does not know how strong or weak it really is." [8]

"The Allies of Humanity Briefings and the Teaching in the New Message together will provide you a clear understanding, and it will be an understanding that you will be able to comprehend easily because it reflects the lessons of nature and the lessons of your own history in this world―the lessons of intervention, the lessons of competition in nature and what peoples and nations must do to become free from intervention, in this case an intervention into the minds and the hearts of people." [11]


  1. God Has Spoken Again, Chapter 1: The Proclamation
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 The Allies of Humanity Book Two, Third Briefing: The Influence upon Humanity
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 The Greater Darkness: Resisting the Intervention
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 The Allies of Humanity Book Three, Second Briefing: The Requirements for Freedom in the Universe
  5. 5.0 5.1 The Allies of Humanity, Book Three, Seventh Briefing: Questions & Answers
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 The Allies of Humanity Book Three, Sixth Briefing: Greater Community Realities
  7. 7.0 7.1 The Allies of Humanity Book One, First Briefing: The Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today
  8. 8.0 8.1 Living The Way of Knowledge, Chapter 9: Sharing The Way of Knowledge with Others
  9. The Greater Community, Chapter 8: Preparing for the Greater Community
  10. The New World, Chapter 3: The Global Emergency
  11. 11.0 11.1 The Greater Darkness: Protecting Yourself from the Intervention
  12. What Will Save Humanity (March 30, 2008)
  13. 13.0 13.1 The Greater Community, Chapter 4: Entering the Greater Community
  14. The Greater Community, Chapter 5: Who Are the Allies of Humanity?
  15. Life in the Universe, Chapter 5: Technology and the Different Paths to Stability
  16. The Allies of Humanity Book Three, Third Briefing: The Tools of the Intervention
  17. Understanding the Intervention (February 25, 2000)
  18. The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 13: A New Message of Hope
  19. The Allies of Humanity Book Three, Fourth Briefing: Hidden Powers
  20. Marshall Vian Summers, The Free School of the New Message Campfire Chat, December 13, 2013
  21. The New Messenger, Chapter 1: The Will of Heaven (May 17, 2011)
  22. The Voice of the Revelation (April 14, 2011)
  23. The Allies of Humanity Book Two, Fourth Briefing: The Collectives

See also




"Divide and conquer" strategy

Extraterrestrial Contact

Indigenous reservations

Intervention deceptions

Native peoples

"Prison planet"

The Greater Darkness

The Pacification Program

This time

Warfare in the Greater Community

Further study