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<ref>''[[Living The Way of Knowledge]]'', Chapter 6</ref> | <ref>''[[Living The Way of Knowledge]]'', Chapter 6</ref> | ||
− | " | + | "With Knowledge you are free in the world. You are free to join. You are free to leave. You are free to make agreements. You are free to complete and change agreements. You are free to surrender yourself. You are free to extricate yourself. In Knowledge you are free." |
<ref>''[[Steps to Knowledge]]'' Step 167</ref> | <ref>''[[Steps to Knowledge]]'' Step 167</ref> | ||
Revision as of 05:21, 6 March 2012
In the Greater Community
"[In the Greater Community], freedom itself is rare.... Free nations in regions of space such as the one in which your world exists remain largely self-sufficient or will only trade to a limited degree with one another. They will seek to be very discreet, for free societies in the Universe do not coexist well with those that are not." [1]
"Knowledge must come forth in your life as an individual and must become stronger in the human family. This is the requirement of freedom in the Universe."
"For the power of freedom and the power of God are the same. Here and everywhere in the Universe. And here and everywhere in the Universe, freedom must be protected and nurtured and supported. For everywhere in life, it is challenged. It is a gift. And it is a gift that you as an individual and you as a member of a Spiritual Family must advocate for, preserve and protect."
"Beyond this solar system... war and conflict have been suppressed, and freedom is rare within this larger arena of life."
"To be free in the universe you must be self-sufficient, you must be united and you must be very discreet. Those are the requirements that every nation, every world, every race must establish in a Greater Community of life. Here you can see the danger and the seduction of humanity receiving technology and resources from beyond the world. What a great attraction that would be! What a great seduction that is! Once you lose your self-sufficiency, everything is lost that you value, for you will not be able to establish the terms of engagement to gain access to those things upon which you have now become dependent. Other nations will determine your behavior and your participation. It is a fact of life."
"[In the competitive environment of The Greater Community] you would find it to be very difficult to maintain whatever degree of freedom you have established thus far in the world, for free races do not coexist well with races that are not free, with other governments that do not value individual freedom. And there would be great pressure from the outside for you not only to restrict this freedom, but to eliminate it altogether."
"Freedom is difficult. It tends to be disorderly. It does not have the kind of stability that other races have acquired through dominance and control. But freedom is more important. It is more significant. It is more creative. And it is more beneficial."
On Earth
"Humanity must regain its confidence. It must regain the power and the presence of Knowledge. It must unite for its own survival and well-being. And it must cultivate individual freedom here and face the challenge of living within the environmental constraints of this world. If you can do this, you have a greater future in the universe." [3]
"If humanity does not preserve its freedom, it will be lost. If you cannot recognize you are facing competition from beyond the world, this presence and this power will gain ever-greater strength and persuasion here."
Short Quotes
"Your freedom is precious, to whatever extent it has been established in the world. It has been gained through great effort and human sacrifice. It must be protected with great vigilance." [4]
"Humanity does not realize what will be required for it to build and maintain its freedom and sovereignty in this world. It is a very critical problem that very few people are aware of."
"Humanity is facing the loss of its freedom and sovereignty in this world to intervening forces from the Universe."
"Life does not give you freedom. It gives you the chance for freedom." [7]
Long Quotes
"Everyone who is born into the world is on this freedom journey. Yet most people cannot go very far because of oppressive circumstances. Political oppression, extreme poverty, deaden the spirit, deaden the soul. They are struggling to have the simple and basic things of life, and this occupies all of their time and energy." [8]
"Your freedom ... will come under increasing challenge by those who seek to gain access to this world and by the reality of your own circumstances here on Earth. The governments of the world apparently have not recognized this and have not prepared their people accordingly. The religious institutions have not recognized this and are not preparing their people accordingly. Instead, humanity continues in its desperate struggle with itself—for wealth, for power, for dominance, for righteousness, for hostility and for revenge."
"Your allies will not interfere because they realize that if they interfere, they will have to manipulate your perception and your understanding. In order for you even to act correctly, they would have to manipulate you. They would have to control you. And this they will not do because they are freedom-loving races. They know, through the lessons of life in the universe, that the attempt to control the future and destiny of another world will require subjugation. And this they will not do. Free races in your local universe are rare, and they must remain discreet."
"There are many races today who are watching humanity—waiting for an opportunity to gain advantage here, waiting for an opportunity to gain access to this world’s immense biological resources, waiting for an opportunity for humanity to be in a state of desperation where such influences will have tremendous impact. This is the greatest threat to humanity’s freedom and future."[10]
For the Individual
Short Quotes
"Spirituality is fundamentally a quest for freedom—freedom from certain things and freedom for certain things." [8]
"It is a very, very courageous thing to do to gain your freedom. You do not live in a free world and you are not a free person. Not really."[11]
"Personal freedom is valuable only in that it gives you this opportunity to find Knowledge."
"Your greatest responsibility is to the Knowledge that God has placed within you to respond to, to follow and to express. This is an unparalleled freedom, but it requires great inner strength and forbearance."
"Allow your mind to be quiet, for in this you are free." "Without your domination, your mind will be free and will experience its own depth in Knowledge." [14]
"The Way of Knowledge and the power of Knowledge in the individual ... is the source of your freedom. More than anything else it will enable you to see, to know and to have the strength to act on your own behalf in the face of other intervening forces." [3]
"Freedom is looked upon fearfully by those who are not free. It is looked on with suspicion by those who are still a slave to their own mind, a slave to their fear, a slave to their cultural conditioning, a slave to their weakness."
Long Quotes
"If you are discontented with your life as it is, then you will have an incentive for Knowledge. You will want to find freedom and purpose. Yet if you still think that your life is fine, and you are comfortable with it up to a point, then Knowledge will seem like a great threat. You will avoid it, which is tragic, because you will be avoiding yourself. You will be avoiding your deepest feelings, your emotional honesty, your integrity and your deepest and most fundamental values. This is why people are strangers to themselves. They are identified with things on the outside, but they have very little relationship with themselves on the inside. They are not free. They are not free to be who they are, what they are and to follow their deepest inclination. Even if they are free on the outside and have political and social freedom of movement, which is rare in the world, this freedom does not reach to the depths of their own nature. And so they are not free." [16]
"Many of your thoughts will have to be reconsidered. Many of your firmly held beliefs will have to be questioned and in some cases even set aside. This is the price of freedom. This is the price one pays for having the opportunity to live a greater life, an authentic life, a life that is in keeping with Knowledge within themselves, a life that fulfills the destiny that they were sent into the world to fulfill."
"Humanity must regain its confidence. It must regain the power and the presence of Knowledge. It must unite for its own survival and well-being. And it must cultivate individual freedom here and face the challenge of living within the environmental constraints of this world."
"To break out of the personal hell of isolation, to break out of the domination of the mind and the domination of your social conditioning, represents freedom in the most fundamental way! For you can be free in the world, but if you are not free inside, well, you cannot really take advantage of your external freedom. Look about you in the world. People seem to be free, relatively speaking, compared to, say, other people in the world. And look what they do with their freedom. They become lost in addictions, they make horrendous mistakes in their relationships, they abuse themselves physically and emotionally.... Even within yourself, you know you are not free. Freedom is not simply having no obligations in life or not being accountable to anyone. Freedom really in its greatest and most real sense is the ability to find and to follow Knowledge because here you are finally free to do what you came here to do, which is the source of all real integrity and satisfaction."
"There are people who are freedom oriented and there are people who are control oriented, and the control oriented are afraid of freedom, and they are afraid of Mystery because they do not believe in the essential goodness of the human spirit. They have lost their faith in humanity and have placed all their faith in their ideology and their prescriptions that they believe have come from God. But God has only given recommendations through the great Teachers, not rules—recommendations for living, guidelines for living to help people orient their lives correctly and productively and beneficially."
“Do not call chaos freedom, for this is not freedom. Do not think because others do not limit you that you are in an exalted state. Realize that your freedom is to enable you to find your purpose and to fulfill it.”
“If you are not free to follow Knowledge, then you are a slave to other forces. You can escape slavery, but you must exercise great strength and determination to do it. You must face discomfort, for when you break the laws of manipulation, you will feel fear because fear is what governs them. Beyond this fear, there is freedom and release.”
“What is worth protecting if it denies you your freedom? What is worth having if it binds you and bonds you to the past? Who is worth being with if all that they can do is remind you that you are weak and pathetic and unable to follow what you know? These are all valid questions. The impediments to freedom are still greatly valued, and freedom is looked at with anxiety and uncertainty. Your prison cell door is open and has been all along. But are you willing to venture out of the seeming security of your bondage?”
“What is freedom except the ability to unite with who you are and why you are here? The inability to do this represents the lack of freedom in all of its manifestations.”
“When we speak of freedom, we mean the freedom to be what you are, to follow what you know, and to give what you came here to give. This is a definition of freedom in the more ultimate sense.”
“You lose your freedom every day when you lose contact with Knowledge, when you are lost to yourself, when you act in such a way that betrays your true understanding, when you say things you don’t mean to say and do things you don’t really intend to do and when you follow others mindlessly out of fear and concern.”
“If it is genuine, freedom brings with it responsibility, a commitment to give, accountability to others and a dedication to service. Freedom without these things is not freedom. It is avoidance. It is true freedom that must be protected and preserved. You lose your freedom every day when you lose contact with Knowledge, when you are lost to yourself.” [23]
“Freedom is a state of no-choice. Now you are dealing with what is unequivocal and absolutely vital; you are not dealing with casual choices. Life is vital every moment. If you are entertaining choices, you can be certain you have not arrived at Knowledge in that situation.”
“Your only real freedom is the freedom to live your purpose. Freedom without purpose is chaos. It is living aimlessly without direction, with only your fears for survival, your wants and your desires to motivate you. It is a very desperate situation.”
“To give up your personal freedom is to reclaim God and all your real power. Your personal freedom is driving you crazy.”
“Freedom is the great reason people will not accept God, and yet God gives you freedom and power of such magnitude that you could not give it to yourself meaningfully. God gives you responsibility so that you may reclaim your power and value yourself. You cannot come closer to God unless you have this value. You cannot be a little crumb and go to God. God does not know you as a little crumb. God knows you as a magnificent creation. You cannot go to God all self-inflated with a big name tag saying, “I am a magnificent creation!” and be a little crumb inside, either. You must go to God as God made you, not as you made yourself.” [24]
“Why do people destroy all that they have created that makes them so secure? Because it is imprisoning them, and they cannot stand it anymore. They would rather start all over again. So if your own stability begins to eliminate your possibility for progress, you will destroy it. You will destroy your financial state, your health, your relationships—whatever seems to be infringing upon you.”
“What is the value of freedom if there is no purpose? It is only license to be chaotic. But the true meaning of freedom is so true purpose may continue to be discovered and expressed. To have this freedom, you must learn to live in Knowledge and use Knowledge.” [25]
“You do not know what to do with your freedom. God is not interfering. You can do anything here, but very few people know what to do with their freedom. It is very sad because you have may everything and you are still empty. Your true desire inside has not been quenched.”
“You must all become followers because you all are followers. There are no leaders in the world. Those who appear to be leaders are either following Knowledge or they are following their ambitions. They are bound to what they follow. There is no freedom except following the right calling.”
“What keeps people from being free is not their external circumstances. It is their own mind and their own thoughts. They are prisoners to their thoughts. They cannot stop watching their thoughts. It is as if you were watching a movie on a screen and you could never tear yourself away. The screen then becomes ever more real to you, for you have no contrast. You have no experience to remind you that it is just a movie you are watching.”
“Freedom without purpose is quite meaningless. What is the value of freedom if there is no purpose? It is only license to be chaotic. But the true meaning of freedom is so that true purpose may continue to be discovered and expressed. To have this freedom, you must learn to live in Knowledge and to use Knowledge. If you do not use Knowledge, you will only have your thoughts to guide you, and they are remarkably chaotic. They are so temporary, sporadic and conflicted that they make a very poor guide for you.” [28]
“Finally you can see. Finally you can know. Finally your eyes are clear. Finally you are no longer intoxicated by people, by images or by ideas. Your mind becomes free and open to think, to rethink, to renew itself, to adapt itself and to refocus itself. What a great freedom this is!”
“You are needed in the world. It is time to prepare. It is time to become focused and determined. There is no escape from this, for only those who are developed in The Way of Knowledge will have capability in the future and will be able to maintain their freedom in a Mental Environment that will be increasingly influenced by the Greater Community.”
“Freedom is not a right in the universe. It is a privilege and a luxury. Your values may argue with this, but your expectations eventually must conform to the real circumstances of life. Individual freedom is extremely valuable, but it is not guaranteed, and you cannot claim it as a right. You will be shocked to find, as you begin to learn about and even experience the Greater Community in which you live, how rare freedom really is.”
“The problems that you face in this world are the same problems that individuals in all worlds face. The need for freedom is a need that is experienced everywhere—the freedom to think, the freedom to act, the freedom to move around, the freedom to discern one’s own inner direction, the freedom to pursue that direction, the freedom to create, the freedom to discover one’s greater purpose and to express that purpose, without oppression, without condemnation and without subjugation.”
“You can never take your freedom for granted in the universe. Freedom is a privilege and not merely a right. It must be built with strength and wisdom, and it must be protected with vigilance, always.”
“You cannot give up your spiritual reality to become a completely worldly person, or you will never have a real sense of your life and destiny. And you will never understand or be able to experience consistently the greater purpose that has brought you here. You will make all your decisions based upon your ideas or the ideas of your culture, and you will be bound and chained to your culture. It, more than you, will dictate who you are with and what you will do, what you will value and what you will avoid. You will not be a free person, even if you live in a free nation.”
“To Knowledge, wealth, beauty and power mean nothing, and to be free of these seductions is to have a freedom in life that is so unparalleled. When you are free like this, everyone else will look like they are in chains, slaves. And whether the chains are made of iron or made of gold, they are all the same.”
“Knowledge will guide you to take certain actions. You must be free to take these actions.
Knowledge will reveal certain things to you about yourself and the people around you. You must be free to consider these things and to respond.
Knowledge will take you to certain places. You must be free to go there.
Knowledge will build real relationships with people who have great promise for you. You must be free to participate there.
Knowledge will take you out of situations that are unhealthy or that have no future. You must be free to withdraw.
Knowledge will ask you to wait. You must have the freedom to wait.
Knowledge will require forbearance. You must be able to practice forbearance.
Knowledge will require real discernment and the development of discernment on your part. You must be free to undertake this development.
Knowledge will require that you be discreet and not talk foolishly or mindlessly. You must gain the freedom and the strength to do this.
Knowledge will require that you face the world and the Great Waves of change that are coming to humanity. You must have the freedom and the courage to do this.
All of these freedoms require breaking away from certain things and building other things. They require a thousand little liberations and new beginnings in every aspect of your life.”
“Spirituality is fundamentally a quest for freedom—freedom from certain things and freedom for certain things. Seen in this way, the picture becomes more complete. For you have a greater destiny in the world, a greater purpose for being here, a purpose that you are not living now, despite your definitions and proclamations. It is to free you from the life that you are living now to prepare you for a greater life in service to the world that represents the core and essence of all spiritual development.” [8]
"Whatever form the desire for freedom takes, it is universal, both within this world and within the Greater Community of worlds in the Universe around you. Beyond meeting certain basic requirements of life, freedom represents a deeper need of the soul, and this deeper need expresses itself through a person’s understanding—through their ideas and associations. But the pure impulse comes from deeper within them, beyond the realm of the intellect or intellectual understanding." [36]
"Ultimately, freedom has to do with why you are in the world and what brought you into the world. You are not here by accident. You did not simply wash up on the shore one day. You are not simply just a product of the mechanisms of nature. You have come here for a greater purpose. You have come here to do something unique and special. You were sent into the world to make a contribution to the world, to the quality of life, and ultimately your freedom is about this." [36]
"There must be a fundamental shift in your understanding of freedom. Said most simply, your freedom here is to find your purpose and to fulfill it. All of the other freedoms that you seek—the freedom for stability, the freedom for certainty, the freedom to find the truth out about your life, the freedom to think, the freedom to feel, the freedom to know, the freedom to express yourself, the freedom to go where you need to go, the freedom to become educated, even the freedom to survive, are for this greater purpose. If you take the desire for freedom to its full expression, if you take it down to its absolute foundation, it is about this.
To finally come to this realization after you have tasted the pleasures and the sorrows of this world, after you have tried to fulfill yourself with people and places and activities and holidays and hobbies and sports and every other form of distraction that may be available to you—when you finally come to yourself, whether it be from a great disappointment or a sudden realization or a lucid moment in your hectic life, when you finally come to this, you will realize there is a greater need within you and that it cannot be fulfilled by all the desperate attempts at happiness that everyone around you is attempting and committing themselves to." [36]
"There is a way to Knowledge. The way will save you time because you need to save time now. You are needed in the world, and your preparation must become accelerated. You do not now have the luxury of endless exploration and diversion, for the world needs you. It is emerging into the Greater Community. This is not a time to fiddle with your mind or your emotions or play around with different therapies or modalities because The Way of Knowledge is being offered to you. You are needed in the world. It is time to prepare. It is time to become focused and determined. There is no escape from this, for only those who are developed in The Way of Knowledge will have capability in the future and will be able to maintain their freedom in a Mental Environment that will be increasingly influenced by the Greater Community." [37]
"With Knowledge you are free in the world. You are free to join. You are free to leave. You are free to make agreements. You are free to complete and change agreements. You are free to surrender yourself. You are free to extricate yourself. In Knowledge you are free." [38]
For the Personal Mind
"What is freedom to the personal mind except the right to surround itself with more and more layers of deception and to offset its sense of isolation and misery with fruitless and desperate attempts at happiness?" [39]
- ↑ Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 Humanity’s Emergence into the Greater Community (July 19, 2008)
- ↑ Resisting the Intervention (September 10, 2008)
- ↑ Jump up to: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 Contact with Intelligent Life in the Universe (October 1, 2008)
- ↑ Jump up to: 4.0 4.1 Entering the Greater Community (May 27, 2011)
- ↑ Resisting the Intervention (September 10, 2008)
- ↑ The Proclamation (July 7, 2006)
- ↑ The Great Calling (March 22,2000)
- ↑ Jump up to: 8.0 8.1 8.2 The Freedom Journey (March 2, 2011)
- ↑ A New Way Forward for Humanity (December 31, 2006 )
- ↑ The New Message on the Environment (December 15, 2006)
- ↑ Jump up to: 11.0 11.1 Taking the Steps to Knowledge (April 21, 2000)
- ↑ Wisdom from The Greater Community vol. I, chap. 7, p. 86
- ↑ Jump up to: 13.0 13.1 Building a Bridge to a New Life (February 25, 2008)
- ↑ Steps to Knowledge, Step 167
- ↑ New Year's Message 2010 (December 27, 2009)
- ↑ The First Commitment (September 25, 2008)
- ↑ The New Message on Religion (July 20, 2009)
- ↑ Steps to Knowledge, Step 94
- ↑ Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training, Step 27
- ↑ Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training, Step 46
- ↑ Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training, Step 67
- ↑ Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training, Step 68
- ↑ Steps to Knowledge Continuation Training, Step 69
- ↑ Wisdom from The Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 7
- ↑ Wisdom from The Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 8
- ↑ Wisdom from The Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 11
- ↑ Wisdom from The Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 15
- ↑ Wisdom from The Greater Community Volume One, Chapter 20
- ↑ Living The Way of Knowledge, Chapter 3
- ↑ Living The Way of Knowledge, Chapter 5
- ↑ The Reality and Spirituality of Life in the Universe, Chapter 8
- ↑ The Reality and Spirituality of Life in the Universe,Chapter 12
- ↑ The Allies of Humanity Book Three
- ↑ The Mystery (June 8, 2010)
- ↑ The First Commitment (September 25, 2008)
- ↑ Jump up to: 36.0 36.1 36.2 The New Message on Freedom (February 23, 2008)
- ↑ Living The Way of Knowledge, Chapter 6
- ↑ Steps to Knowledge Step 167
- ↑ Living The Way of Knowledge, Chapter 8