Interdependence among nations

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"Ultimately, the nations of the world will have to achieve a very high state of interdependence if they are to survive the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world—environmental degradation, diminishing resources, the loss of food production, the changing of climate and violent weather, the threat of pandemic illness and the threats of growing conflict, competition and war. Only a greater interdependence can make war unnecessary—interdependence based upon fundamental mutual needs." [1]


Mutual stability and interdependence among nations

"It is true today that there are many nations that are not self-sufficient in the production of food, in the availability of water and in the manufacture of essential goods. So trade between nations and interdependence between nations is a reality and cannot be undone."[2]

"Eventually, even independent nations find themselves becoming interdependent with other nations—through trade and commerce, through the sharing of resources, through greater alliances and so forth. Ultimately, the nations of the world will have to achieve a very high state of interdependence if they are to survive the Great Waves of change that are coming to the world—environmental degradation; diminishing resources; the loss of food production; the changing climate and violent weather; the threat of pandemic illness; and the threats of growing conflict, competition and war." [3]

"The nations of the world, in order to survive these Great Waves of change, will have to cooperate to a greater extent than has ever been done before. This includes sharing of resources rather than struggling over them or competing for them. For if one part of the world becomes chaotic, the rest of the world will be greatly impacted. No longer can nations simply serve their own interests, disregarding the well-being of nations around them, because the world is far too interdependent. The human family now depends upon stability, not only within the realm of its own nations, but beyond it as well."[4]

"As humanity's idea of itself changes, its social institutions and structures will change as well. Fundamentally, you will begin to see yourself as a member of your world, not simply as a member of a nation or of a group or of a religion or of a culture or of an extended family or of a political persuasion. All of these things will be overshadowed by the presence of the Greater Community, which will make them increasingly insignificant. As this realization is passed from one generation to another, national interests will change, with a greater emphasis on interdependence with other nations and on mutual survival and well-being." [5]


  1. Love and Relationships: Interdependence
  2. The New World, Chapter 10: Preventing Collapse and the Wars of Desperation
  3. Interdependence (July 4, 2008)
  4. The Reformation : God's New Message for Political Leaders
  5. Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 18: What is human destiny?

See Also

Global cooperation

Human unity and cooperation


Nations of the world

Further study

The Reformation : God's New Message for Political Leaders