Global cooperation
"You are preparing for nations within the world to meld into each other and for cultures here to clash. The future will be strife ridden and very difficult. No longer will nations be able to mind their own business and avoid each other, for if one nation fails, others will be impacted. If one nation destroys its environment, other cultures will feel the full impact of this. Greater and greater world cooperation will be needed and required. You will not see all of this in your lifetime, for you are in the early part of the transition, but what you contribute here now will determine the quality of life for your children and for the generations to come."[1]
"Your lack of unity makes you weak and vulnerable and pliable to intervention and manipulation. Casting one nation against another, intervening forces can generate more human conflict, can stimulate further human conflict, thus weakening the strongest nations of the world. And this is indeed what has occurred and is occurring even at this moment." [2]
"Nations within your world now must work together for the security of the world. Here again, stability and security become the overriding emphasis. Ancient animosities and hatred between nations and tribes must all be moderated so as not to break out into war or destroy the world’s resources." [3]
"What will enable humanity to navigate these difficult times are personal responsibility and a greater cooperation between nations, between tribes and peoples, between religions, with the understanding that without this cooperation, failure will attend all sides, and you will not be able to advance. The very things that the human family has created within its nations and cultures that is beneficial now must be brought to bear. And the diversity of religion and culture is something that must be accepted, or cooperation will not occur."[4]
- ↑ Greater Community Spirituality, Chapter 11: What is your preparation for?
- ↑ Preparing for the Greater Community (2008)
- ↑ Life in the Universe, Chapter 5: Technology and the Different Paths to Stability
- ↑ The Reformation : God's New Message for Political Leaders