Quotes about food

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People "have forgotten where their food comes from."[1]

"People have lost their connection to nature. They do not see that where the food is grown and how it is transported and shared is the most essential network that there is, in any society or civilization."[1]

"You are living in a world of decline. The availability of fuel, the availability of electricity, the availability of food, and in some places water, will become ever greater problems as your environment is unable to provide for the over-arching demands of people and the way that they live."[2]

"Even as food becomes more expensive, and in places unavailable, it is going to push your economic stability over the edge. And this is happening already. Think now, what would happen if this price increase did not stop?"[2]



"To take care of your body, feed it properly. Find out if there are some foods aggravating you or not."[3]

"You must face the reality that the production of food will decline and will become more expensive to grow, to transport and to distribute."[1]

"You must look at your world as your storehouse for food, water and energy and for all the things that you will need both now and in the future."[4]

"There are a few things that are important. You must become aware of situations around the world regarding the availability of food and water. You must become aware of changes in climate and its effect upon food production in the world and its effect upon the well-being of people in both urban and rural environments. "[5]

"You must always have an adequate supply of food for your family, as much as you can store, for there will be times when food will become difficult to get or to purchase, and it will most certainly become ever more expensive."[6]

"Soils around the world will have to be rejuvenated, not by technology but by biological rejuvenation, or they will fail humanity’s needs in the future." [7]

"The human need around you will be immense—greater than any world war it will be. And you will have to be prepared to take care of people, people you do not even know perhaps, and to assist others in ways that will be new for you and unexpected."[8]

"People think that to prepare for difficulties, you just fortify yourself from the outside. You stock up your house with food, or you just try to take a more defensive position. Or in extreme cases, you act as if you were on the verge of war, and you remove yourself to some distant location far away in the country, you arm yourself, and you look at everything fearfully.

But this is foolishness, for the inner preparation is more important than the outer preparation. For you do not know what you are preparing for yet. You cannot tell how things will go. And because you are ultimately here to serve humanity rather than to run away from humanity, you are really not engaging with the truth about your life if you simply try to build security for yourself."[9]

"What you can give to people is food, water, shelter and the Great Faith."[10]

Foreseeable outcomes

"Because the climate will be changing, there will be a tremendous loss of food productivity in the world. And because fuel supplies will become more expensive and difficult to get, it will be harder for large farms to produce enough food. Food will be a major emphasis, as it is already in the poorer nations. But even in the wealthy nations, food will be a major priority— not simply the price of food, but the availability of food. That is why you maintain a provision to last you at least a month so you have time to consider what you must do next and not simply be thrown into panic or desperation."[2]

"The impact on your climate and environment is so significant that it could reduce significantly the world’s production of food."[11]

"There will be great human need in the future. Many people will not have enough food or shelter."[8]

"With so much of the world living in poverty and in destitution, how can any nation provide for them—those who cannot pay more for the essential products and resources of life; those who cannot withstand to go hungry for very long, for they are hungry already; those who cannot be patient for the food to arrive, for their needs are far greater and more pressing than for those who are wealthier and more comfortable? As the resources continue to slowly decline, the wealthy individuals and even wealthy nations will begin to hoard whatever they can."[1]

"As nations become more desperate in providing for their people, they will not sell food abroad."[1]

"If the price of food continues to rise, revolutions will occur."[1]

"If people do not have enough land to grow food, if they do not have enough to eat, if they are under that kind of continual pressure, of course they are going to lash out at others."[12]

"Starvation could occur even in the wealthiest places as food distribution is disrupted."[6]

"Humanity will have to face the prospects of great shortages of food and water and the risks of disease and illness on a very large scale, even affecting the wealthy nations of the world."[13]

"If food production were severely damaged all at one time, it could set in motion forces that would be very difficult or impossible to control. The wealthy nations could not send food to the poor nations because they could not gain access to it. It would not be available, for everyone would be hoarding now, protecting their own populations. You can give away your surplus, but if you have no surplus, you have nothing to give in this regard."[14]

"The climate of the world will change and become warmer in most places—diminishing food production, diminishing water supplies, creating great difficulties in certain regions of the world. The risk of the breakdown of society is extremely great under these circumstances, and the fact that most people are either unaware of this or are taking it far too lightly gives great concern."[8]

"If you wait until the evidence is overwhelming, it will be too late for you to make any wise preparations. Then your position will be untenable. Then you will be in a position of extreme powerlessness and vulnerability. Then your options will be very few. There will be no food on the shelves at the stores. The banks will be closed. People will be in panic. It does not take much to create this panic."[9]

"For the world to go out of control would be a very easy thing to create. It would not take much for this to happen. It is based upon essential things. If food production were severely damaged all at one time, it could set in motion forces that would be very difficult or impossible to control. The wealthy nations could not send food to the poor nations because they could not gain access to it. It would not be available, for everyone would be hoarding now, protecting their own populations. You can give away your surplus, but if you have no surplus, you have nothing to give in this regard.

This is a real wake-up call for the peoples of the world."[1]

Human migration and food distribution

"Large areas of the world that are now highly inhabited will become uninhabitable, as it will be impossible to grow food there due to lack of water."[15]

"Local food production and local manufacturing will become ever more important."[15]

"When fuel supplies become extremely low and there are shortages, how will you function? Even your nearest towns may not have food, petroleum and medicine, for these things will be focused in large cities, where large congregations of people live. Outlying districts will have difficulty acquiring even the most fundamental things."[2]

"Do not think here that if you live in a rural area that you can stockpile food and medicine, for how long will that last you? And what will prevent people coming to steal it from you, coming in the night, coming in the day?

In the future, people will flock to the cities for food, for energy, for medicine and for security. Great congregations of people will come from outlying districts, where supplies will fall short. You do not want to be at the bottom of the list, living in a town or a village. It could take weeks or months for supplies to reach you."[2]

"In the future, people will be abandoning their homes in the distant country, seeking food, energy, shelter and security. It will not be safe living alone in outlying districts, as there will be much crime and thievery. This will be due to the fact that there will be many people out of work, desperately seeking for anything that they can use or sell. For someone living alone in the country, they will be very vulnerable, and law enforcement will not be sufficient to protect them, for the needs of rural communities will be so immense that law enforcement will be overwhelmed."[2]

Manipulation of food production by the Intervention

"The Intervention does not need to manipulate food production, as it is declining as a result of humanity’s impact on your own environment." [16]

"Humanity is facing an intervention from races from beyond the world who will seek to generate and advance human conflict to weaken the human family, to push the strongest nations of the world into protracted conflicts with one another, to stimulate competition and conflict over resources, even very basic resources such as food and water and energy."[17]

"You have an inherent interest, then, in maintaining and sustaining your world’s fundamental resources and in regenerating these resources successfully. Without this, the Collectives will have a great advantage in their inducements. Without this, even if you resisted the Collectives, eventually you would need what they have to offer—raw materials, energy, food production, advanced technology."[18]

Food throughout the universe

"Races who travel generally create their own food sources, but even this requires the input of resources. Everyone in the physiological realm must still eat and take in energy in one form or another."[19]

"If a nation loses its self-sufficiency and must seek abroad for its basic requirements, such as biological resources, basic technology, food and essential medicines, it will be very difficult for that nation to remain independent and self-determined. It will have to yield to the terms that are provided, and this can be a very difficult situation. As the need for resources is everywhere—the need for food supplies, for biological materials, for materials for the development of medicines, for metals, for information and for many other things—it can be very difficult for a small nation to acquire what it needs without making serious concessions."[20]

"Many races who are now involved in intergalactic travel exhausted their world’s resources long ago. In some cases, they have compromised the productivity of other worlds. They are now dependent upon trade for their vital resources. In order to revitalize their own food-processing abilities, they visit worlds such as yours to collect samples."[21]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Rebellion, Revolution and War (February 22, 2011)
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 8: The Danger of Isolation
  3. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 31: Healing
  4. The Allies of Humanity Book Three, Second Briefing: The Requirements for Freedom in the Universe
  5. The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 6: Relationships and the Great Waves
  6. 6.0 6.1 The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 7: Preparing Your Family
  7. The New World, Chapter 10: Preventing Collapse and the Wars of Desperation
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 2: The Great Waves and Your Life
  9. 9.0 9.1 The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 4: The Freedom to Move with Knowledge
  10. The Pure Religion , Chapter 2: The Great Faith
  11. The New World Prophecy : Navigating the Difficult Times Ahead
  12. The New Way Forward for Humanity: Forgiveness
  13. The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 1: The Great Waves of Change
  14. Rebellion, Revolution and War (February 22, 2011)
  15. 15.0 15.1 The Great Waves of Change, Chapter 9: The Great Waves Prophecy
  16. The Allies of Humanity Book Three, Seventh Briefing: Questions and Answers
  17. The Reformation : God's New Message for Political Leaders
  18. The Allies of Humanity Book Two, Fourth Briefing: The Collectives
  19. Life in the Universe, Chapter 3: The Limits of Space Travel
  20. Life in the Universe, Chapter 4: Trade and Commerce in this Region of Space
  21. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 2, Chapter 28: Greater Community Realities

See also

The New Message Prophecy

Wars of desperation

Further study

  • Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 6: Health