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Nuclear disarmament


"There will not be nuclear disarmament completely for a long time to come because people need something to hold themselves in check. People have given a greater authority to their creations than to themselves to keep themselves from attacking their neighbors.

So, nuclear arms will be with you for awhile, but they will decrease. It is part of the evolution of your world that humanity keep itself out of major warfare until its societies can unite. The world cannot afford another major war here. There cannot even be a local war anymore. This seems strange, but you see, it is established to allow things to come together. It is not good. It is not bad. It is foolish, but it is what humanity prescribes. There will be nuclear weapons in your life for a long time to come."[1]

Nuclear arms and the extraterrestrial presence on Earth

"Your world is being “visited” by several alien races and by several different organizations of races. This has been actively going on for some time. There have been visitations throughout human history, but nothing of this magnitude. The advent of nuclear weapons and the destruction of your natural world have brought these forces to your shores."[2]

"The Intervention is not threatened by your weapons. Only nuclear power and nuclear weapons threaten its existence here. And these things cannot be used without great consequence to the welfare and to the future of humanity."[3]

"The advent of nuclear weapons in your world triggered the Intervention to go into its mature phase, for they realize that should you become stronger and have greater technological power, then the Intervention would be more difficult to achieve. They would have you believe that they are intervening to save you from your own self-destruction, but really they are seeking to intervene before the situation becomes too difficult."[4]

References to quotes about nuclear arms

  1. Wisdom from the Greater Community, Book 1, Chapter 14: World Evolution
  2. The Allies of Humanity, Book One, First Briefing: The Extraterrestrial Presence in the World Today
  3. The Allies of Humanity Book Three, Seventh Briefing: Questions & Answers
  4. The Allies of Humanity Book Two, Second Briefing: Why the Intervention is Occurring

See also
